Flor de Lis Mancilla
Flor de Lis Mancilla
Instituto Andaluz de Geofisica. Universidad de Granada
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Kinematics of the Iberia–Maghreb plate contact from seismic moment tensors and GPS observations
D Stich, E Serpelloni, F de Lis Mancilla, J Morales
Tectonophysics 426 (3-4), 295-317, 2006
Rupture directivity of the 2011, Mw 5.2 Lorca earthquake (Spain)
JÁ López‐Comino, FL Mancilla, J Morales, D Stich
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (3), 2012
Tectonic and seismic implications of an intersegment rupture: The damaging May 11th 2011 Mw 5.2 Lorca, Spain, earthquake
JJ Martínez-Díaz, M Bejar-Pizarro, JA Álvarez-Gómez, F de Lis Mancilla, ...
Tectonophysics 546, 28-37, 2012
Slab rupture and delamination under the Betics and Rif constrained from receiver functions
F de Lis Mancilla, G Booth-Rea, D Stich, JV Pérez-Peña, J Morales, ...
Tectonophysics 663, 225-237, 2015
Crust-mantle coupling in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW-lberia)(DOI 10.1029/2005GLO23098)
D Stich, FL Mancilla, J Morales
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (13), L13306, 2005
Mantle dynamics beneath the Gibraltar Arc (western Mediterranean) from shear‐wave splitting measurements on a dense seismic array
J Diaz, J Gallart, A Villaseñor, F Mancilla, A Pazos, D Córdoba, JA Pulgar, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (18), 2010
Source analysis of the February 12th 2007, Mw 6.0 Horseshoe earthquake: Implications for the 1755 Lisbon earthquake
D Stich, FL Mancilla, S Pondrelli, J Morales
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (12), 2007
Focal mechanisms for sub‐crustal earthquakes in the Gulf of Cadiz from a dense OBS deployment
WH Geissler, L Matias, D Stich, F Carrilho, W Jokat, S Monna, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (18), 2010
Delamination in the Betic Range: Deep structure, seismicity, and GPS motion
F de Lis Mancilla, D Stich, M Berrocoso, R Martín, J Morales, ...
Geology 41 (3), 307-310, 2013
High resolution Moho topography map beneath Iberia and Northern Morocco from receiver function analysis
F de Lis Mancilla, J Diaz
Tectonophysics 663, 203-211, 2015
Source analysis of the Mw 6.3 2004 Al Hoceima earthquake (Morocco) using regional apparent source time functions
D Stich, FL Mancilla, D Baumont, J Morales
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B6), 2005
Evidence for active strike-slip faulting along the Eurasia-Africa convergence zone: Implications for seismic hazard in the southwest Iberian margin
R Bartolome, E Gràcia, D Stich, S Martínez-Loriente, D Klaeschen, ...
Geology 40 (6), 495-498, 2012
Crustal thickness variations in northern Morocco
F de Lis Mancilla, D Stich, J Morales, J Julià, J Diaz, A Pazos, D Córdoba, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B2), 2012
Moment tensor solutions for the Iberian-Maghreb region during the IberArray deployment (2009–2013)
R Martín, D Stich, J Morales, F Mancilla
Tectonophysics 663, 261-274, 2015
Seismic evidence of a regional sublithospheric low velocity layer beneath the Canary Islands
C Martinez-Arevalo, F de Lis Mancilla, G Helffrich, A Garcia
Tectonophysics 608, 586-599, 2013
Faulting parameters of the 1999 Mula earthquake, southeastern Spain
F de Lis Mancilla, CJ Ammon, RB Herrmann, J Morales
Tectonophysics 354 (1-2), 139-155, 2002
Tearing of the mantle lithosphere along the intermediate‐depth seismicity zone beneath the Gibraltar Arc: The onset of lithospheric delamination
B Heit, FL Mancilla, X Yuan, J Morales, D Stich, R Martín, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (9), 4027-4035, 2017
Crustal thickness and images of the lithospheric discontinuities in the Gibraltar arc and surrounding areas
FL Mancilla, D Stich, J Morales, R Martín, J Diaz, A Pazos, D Córdoba, ...
Geophysical Supplements to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical …, 2015
Crustal‐scale transcurrent fault development in a weak‐layered crust from an integrated geophysical research: Carboneras Fault Zone, eastern Betic Cordillera, Spain
A Pedrera, F de Lis Mancilla, A Ruiz‐Constán, J Galindo‐Zaldívar, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 11 (12), 2010
A STEP fault in Central Betics, associated with lateral lithospheric tearing at the northern edge of the Gibraltar arc subduction system
F de Lis Mancilla, B Heit, J Morales, X Yuan, D Stich, A Molina-Aguilera, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 486, 32-40, 2018
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