Zak phase and the existence of edge states in graphene P Delplace, D Ullmo, G Montambaux
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (19), 195452, 2011
609 2011 Chiral symmetry and bulk-boundary correspondence in periodically driven one-dimensional systems JK Asbóth, B Tarasinski, P Delplace
Physical Review B 90 (12), 125143, 2014
262 2014 Topological origin of equatorial waves P Delplace, JB Marston, A Venaille
Science 358 (6366), 1075-1077, 2017
253 2017 Merging of Dirac points and Floquet topological transitions in ac-driven graphene P Delplace, Á Gómez-León, G Platero
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (24), 245422, 2013
218 2013 Topological index for periodically driven time-reversal invariant 2D systems D Carpentier, P Delplace, M Fruchart, K Gawędzki
Physical review letters 114 (10), 106806, 2015
186 2015 Topological Weyl semi-metal from a lattice model P Delplace, J Li, D Carpentier
Europhysics Letters 97 (6), 67004, 2012
137 2012 Symmetry-protected multifold exceptional points and their topological characterization P Delplace, T Yoshida, Y Hatsugai
Physical Review Letters 127 (18), 186602, 2021
131 2021 Engineering anomalous quantum Hall plateaus and antichiral states with ac fields Á Gómez-León, P Delplace, G Platero
Physical Review B 89 (20), 205408, 2014
90 2014 Semi-Dirac point in the Hofstadter spectrum P Delplace, G Montambaux
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (3), 035438, 2010
88 2010 Anomalous bulk-edge correspondence in continuous media C Tauber, P Delplace, A Venaille
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013147, 2020
86 2020 A bulk-interface correspondence for equatorial waves C Tauber, P Delplace, A Venaille
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 868, R2, 2019
85 2019 Superior robustness of anomalous non-reciprocal topological edge states Z Zhang, P Delplace, R Fleury
Nature 598 (7880), 293-297, 2021
83 2021 On the origin of minimal conductivity at a band crossing T Louvet, P Delplace, AA Fedorenko, D Carpentier
Physical Review B 92 (15), 155116, 2015
74 2015 Magnetic-field-induced localization in 2D topological insulators P Delplace, J Li, M Büttiker
Physical review letters 109 (24), 246803, 2012
66 2012 Topological transition in stratified fluids M Perrot, P Delplace, A Venaille
Nature Physics 15 (8), 781-784, 2019
54 2019 Phase rotation symmetry and the topology of oriented scattering networks P Delplace, M Fruchart, C Tauber
Physical Review B 95 (20), 205413, 2017
54 2017 WKB analysis of edge states in graphene in a strong magnetic field P Delplace, G Montambaux
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (20), 205412, 2010
52 2010 Construction and properties of a topological index for periodically driven time-reversal invariant 2D crystals D Carpentier, P Delplace, M Fruchart, K Gawędzki, C Tauber
Nuclear Physics B 896, 779-834, 2015
42 2015 Non-diffracting states in one-dimensional Floquet photonic topological insulators M Bellec, C Michel, H Zhang, S Tzortzakis, P Delplace
Europhysics Letters 119 (1), 14003, 2017
36 2017 Peak of Noise Correlations in a Quantum Spin Hall InsulatorJM Edge, J Li, P Delplace, M Büttiker
Physical review letters 110 (24), 246601, 2013
32 2013