Brad Law
Brad Law
Principal Research Scientist, NSW DPI
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe dpi.nsw.gov.au
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Citat de
The use of habitat mosaics by terrestrial vertebrate fauna: implications for conservation and management
BS Law, CR Dickman
Biodiversity & Conservation 7, 323-333, 1998
The disproportionate value of scattered trees
J Fischer, J Stott, BS Law
Biological Conservation 143 (6), 1564-1567, 2010
Flowering phenology of myrtaceous trees and their relation to climatic, environmental and disturbance variables in northern New South Wales
B Law, C Mackowski, L Schoer, T Tweedie
Austral Ecology 25 (2), 160-178, 2000
Bat communities in a fragmented forest landscape on the south-west slopes of New South Wales, Australia
BS Law, J Anderson, M Chidel
Biological Conservation 88 (3), 333-345, 1999
Sensitivity of insectivorous bats to urbanization: Implications for suburban conservation planning
CG Threlfall, B Law, PB Banks
Biological Conservation 146 (1), 41-52, 2012
Cascading effects of climate extremes on vertebrate fauna through changes to low‐latitude tree flowering and fruiting phenology
N Butt, L Seabrook, M Maron, BS Law, TP Dawson, J Syktus, ...
Global Change Biology 21 (9), 3267-3277, 2015
Bat activity on riparian zones and upper slopes in Australian timber production forests and the effectiveness of riparian buffers
A Lloyd, B Law, R Goldingay
Biological Conservation 129 (2), 207-220, 2006
Tracks and riparian zones facilitate the use of Australian regrowth forest by insectivorous bats
B Law, M Chidel
Journal of Applied Ecology 39 (4), 605-617, 2002
Tree decline and the future of Australian farmland biodiversity
J Fischer, A Zerger, P Gibbons, J Stott, BS Law
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (45), 19597-19602, 2010
Vegetation structure influences the vertical stratification of open-and edge-space aerial-foraging bats in harvested forests
MD Adams, BS Law, KO French
Forest Ecology and Management 258 (9), 2090-2100, 2009
Common blossom bats (Syconycteris australis) as pollinators in fragmented Australian tropical rainforest
BS Law, M Lean
Biological conservation 91 (2-3), 201-212, 1999
Ecological processes in urban landscapes: mechanisms influencing the distribution and activity of insectivorous bats
C Threlfall, B Law, T Penman, PB Banks
Ecography 34 (5), 814-826, 2011
Influence of landscape structure and human modifications on insect biomass and bat foraging activity in an urban landscape
CG Threlfall, B Law, PB Banks
PloS one 7 (6), e38800, 2012
Daily torpor and energetics in a tropical mammal, the northern blossom-bat Macroglossus minimus (Megachiroptera)
W Bartels, BS Law, F Geiser
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 168, 233-239, 1998
The use by wildlife of paddock trees in farmland
BS Law, M Chidel, G Turner
Pacific conservation biology 6 (2), 130-143, 2000
Insectivorous bats and silviculture: balancing timber production and bat conservation
B Law, KJ Park, MJ Lacki
Bats in the Anthropocene: conservation of bats in a changing world, 105-150, 2016
Summer torpor in a free-ranging bat from subtropical Australia
C Turbill, BS Law, F Geiser
Journal of Thermal Biology 28 (3), 223-226, 2003
Roost preferences and foraging ranges of the eastern forest bat Vespadelus pumilus under two disturbance histories in northern New South Wales, Australia
BS Law, J Anderson
Austral Ecology 25 (4), 352-367, 2000
Reliable automation of bat call identification for eastern New South Wales, Australia, using classification trees and AnaScheme software
MD Adams, BS Law, MS Gibson
Acta Chiropterologica 12 (1), 231-245, 2010
The maintenance nitrogen requirements of the Queensland blossom bat (Syconycteris australis) on a sugar/pollen diet: is nitrogen a limiting resource?
BS Law
Physiological Zoology 65 (3), 634-648, 1992
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