Aurore Degré
Aurore Degré
Université de Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ulg.ac.be
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Geostatistical interpolation of daily rainfall at catchment scale: the use of several variogram models in the Ourthe and Ambleve catchments, Belgium
S Ly, C Charles, A Degre
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (7), 2259-2274, 2011
Different methods for spatial interpolation of rainfall data for operational hydrology and hydrological modeling at watershed scale: a review
S Ly, C Charles, A Degré
Biotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement 17 (2), 2013
The evaluation of unmanned aerial system-based photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning to generate DEMs of agricultural watersheds
MM Ouédraogo, A Degré, C Debouche, J Lisein
Geomorphology 214, 339-355, 2014
Can DEM time series produced by UAV be used to quantify diffuse erosion in an agricultural watershed?
N Pineux, J Lisein, G Swerts, CL Bielders, P Lejeune, G Colinet, A Degré
Geomorphology 280, 122-136, 2017
Soil wet aggregate distribution and pore size distribution under different tillage systems after 16 years in the Loess Plateau of China
L Gao, B Wang, S Li, H Wu, X Wu, G Liang, D Gong, X Zhang, D Cai, ...
Catena 173, 38-47, 2019
Effect of different tillage systems on aggregate structure and inner distribution of organic carbon
L Gao, E Becker, G Liang, AA Houssou, H Wu, X Wu, D Cai, A Degré
Geoderma 288, 97-104, 2017
What do models tell us about water and sediment connectivity?
JEM Baartman, JP Nunes, R Masselink, F Darboux, C Bielders, A Degré, ...
Geomorphology 367, 107300, 2020
How pixel size affects a sediment connectivity index in central Belgium
V Cantreul, C Bielders, A Calsamiglia, A Degré
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (4), 884-893, 2018
X-ray microtomography: a porosity-based thresholding method to improve soil pore network characterization?
E Beckers, E Plougonven, C Roisin, S Hapca, A Léonard, A Degré
Geoderma 219, 145-154, 2014
Is least limiting water range a useful indicator of the impact of tillage management on maize yield?
S Li, X Wu, G Liang, L Gao, B Wang, J Lu, AA Abdelrhman, X Song, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 199, 104602, 2020
Studying the effect of desiccation cracking on the evaporation process of a Luvisol–From a small-scale experimental and numerical approach
DK Tran, N Ralaizafisoloarivony, R Charlier, B Mercatoris, A Léonard, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 193, 142-152, 2019
Soil-specific calibration of capacitance sensors considering clay content and bulk density
N Parvin, A Degré
Soil Research 54 (1), 111-119, 2016
Artificial surfaces characteristics and sediment connectivity explain muddy flood hazard in Wallonia
B De Walque, A Degré, A Maugnard, CL Bielders
Catena 158, 89-101, 2017
Hydrological response to climate change in the Lesse and the Vesdre catchments: contribution of a physically based model (Wallonia, Belgium)
A Bauwens, C Sohier, A Degre
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (6), 1745-1756, 2011
Crop residue management in arable cropping systems under a temperate climate. Part 2: Soil physical properties and crop production. A review
MP Hiel, M Chélin, N Parvin, S Barbieux, A Lemtiri, G Colinet, A Degré, ...
Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement 20 (1), 2016
Factors governing soil water repellency under tillage management: The role of pore structure and hydrophobic substances
S Li, J Lu, G Liang, X Wu, M Zhang, E Plougonven, Y Wang, L Gao, ...
Land Degradation & Development 32 (2), 1046-1059, 2021
Effects of different long-term tillage systems on the composition of organic matter by 13C CP/TOSS NMR in physical fractions in the Loess Plateau of China
L Gao, B Wang, S Li, Y Han, X Zhang, D Gong, M Ma, G Liang, H Wu, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 194, 104321, 2019
A method for low-flow estimation at ungauged sites: a case study in Wallonia (Belgium)
M Grandry, S Gailliez, C Sohier, A Verstraete, A Degré
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (4), 1319-1330, 2013
Negative pressure irrigation increases vegetable water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency by improving soil water and NO3–-N distributions
S Li, D Tan, X Wu, A Degré, H Long, S Zhang, J Lu, L Gao, F Zheng, X Liu, ...
Agricultural water management 251, 106853, 2021
Emissions gazeuses en élevage porcin et modes de réduction: revue bibliographique
A Degré, D Verhève, C Debouche
BASE, 2001
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