Evrim Acar
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Scalable tensor factorizations for incomplete data
E Acar, DM Dunlavy, TG Kolda, M Mørup
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 106 (1), 41-56, 2011
Scalable Tensor Factorizations with Missing Data
E Acar, DM Dunlavy, TG Kolda, M Morup
SIAM Data Mining, 701-712, 2010
Temporal link prediction using matrix and tensor factorizations
DM Dunlavy, TG Kolda, E Acar
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 5 (2), 10, 2011
Unsupervised multiway data analysis: A literature survey
E Acar, B Yener
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 21 (1), 6-20, 2008
A scalable optimization approach for fitting canonical tensor decompositions
E Acar, DM Dunlavy, TG Kolda
Journal of Chemometrics, 2011
All-at-once optimization for coupled matrix and tensor factorizations
E Acar, TG Kolda, DM Dunlavy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1105.3422, 2011
Multiway analysis of epilepsy tensors
E Acar, C Aykut-Bingol, H Bingol, R Bro, B Yener
Bioinformatics 23 (13), i10-i18, 2007
Link prediction on evolving data using matrix and tensor factorizations
E Acar, DM Dunlavy, TG Kolda
2009 IEEE International conference on data mining workshops, 262-269, 2009
Resolving the sign ambiguity in the singular value decomposition
R Bro, E Acar, TG Kolda
Journal of Chemometrics 22 (2), 135-140, 2008
Modeling and multiway analysis of chatroom tensors
E Acar, SA Camtepe, MS Krishnamoorthy, B Yener
Intelligence and Security Informatics: IEEE International Conference on …, 2005
Link prediction in heterogeneous data via generalized coupled tensor factorization
B Ermiş, E Acar, AT Cemgil
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 29, 203-236, 2015
Data Fusion in Metabolomics using Coupled Matrix and Tensor Factorizations
E Acar, R Bro, AK Smilde
Proceedings of the IEEE 103, 1602-1620, 2015
Structure-revealing data fusion
E Acar, EE Papalexakis, G Gürdeniz, MA Rasmussen, AJ Lawaetz, ...
BMC bioinformatics 15, 1-17, 2014
Understanding data fusion within the framework of coupled matrix and tensor factorizations
E Acar, MA Rasmussen, F Savorani, T Næs, R Bro
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 129, 53-63, 2013
Poblano v1. 0: a Matlab toolbox for gradient-based optimization.
DM Dunlavy, E Acar, TG Kolda
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA …, 2010
Common and distinct components in data fusion
AK Smilde, I Måge, T Naes, T Hankemeier, MA Lips, HAL Kiers, E Acar, ...
Journal of Chemometrics 31 (7), e2900, 2017
Collective sampling and analysis of high order tensors for chatroom communications
E Acar, SA Camtepe, B Yener
Intelligence and Security Informatics: IEEE International Conference on …, 2006
New Nordic diet versus average Danish diet: a randomized controlled trial revealed healthy long-term effects of the new Nordic diet by GC–MS blood plasma metabolomics
B Khakimov, SK Poulsen, F Savorani, E Acar, G Gürdeniz, TM Larsen, ...
Journal of proteome research 15 (6), 1939-1954, 2016
The molecular fingerprint of fluorescent natural organic matter offers insight into biogeochemical sources and diagenetic state
UJ Wünsch, E Acar, BP Koch, KR Murphy, P Schmitt-Kopplin, ...
Analytical chemistry 90 (24), 14188-14197, 2018
Multiway modeling and analysis in stem cell systems biology
B Yener, E Acar, P Aguis, K Bennett, SL Vandenberg, GE Plopper
BMC systems biology 2, 1-17, 2008
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