Susan L. Beck
Susan L. Beck
Department of Geosciences University of Arizona
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe email.arizona.edu
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The great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 26 december 2004
T Lay, H Kanamori, CJ Ammon, M Nettles, SN Ward, RC Aster, SL Beck, ...
science 308 (5725), 1127-1133, 2005
Subduction and collision processes in the Central Andes constrained by converted seismic phases
X Yuan, SV Sobolev, R Kind, O Oncken, G Bock, G Asch, B Schurr, ...
Nature 408 (6815), 958-961, 2000
The nature of orogenic crust in the central Andes
SL Beck, G Zandt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 (B10), ESE 7-1-ESE 7-16, 2002
Segmented African lithosphere beneath the Anatolian region inferred from teleseismic P-wave tomography
C Berk Biryol, SL Beck, G Zandt, AA Özacar
Geophysical Journal International 184 (3), 1037-1057, 2011
Crustal-thickness variations in the central Andes
SL Beck, G Zandt, SC Myers, TC Wallace, PG Silver, L Drake
Geology 24 (5), 407-410, 1996
Source characteristics of historic earthquakes along the central Chile subduction Askew et Alzone
S Beck, S Barrientos, E Kausel, M Reyes
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 11 (2), 115-129, 1998
Lithospheric evolution of the Andean fold–thrust belt, Bolivia, and the origin of the central Andean plateau
N McQuarrie, BK Horton, G Zandt, S Beck, PG DeCelles
Tectonophysics 399 (1-4), 15-37, 2005
Geometry and brittle deformation of the subducting Nazca Plate, Central Chile and Argentina
M Anderson, P Alvarado, G Zandt, S Beck
Geophysical Journal International 171 (1), 419-434, 2007
Seismic imaging of the magmatic underpinnings beneath the Altiplano-Puna volcanic complex from the joint inversion of surface wave dispersion and receiver functions
KM Ward, G Zandt, SL Beck, DH Christensen, H McFarlin
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 404, 43-53, 2014
Lithospheric and upper mantle structure of central Chile and Argentina
H Gilbert, S Beck, G Zandt
Geophysical Journal International 165 (1), 383-398, 2006
The rupture process of the great 1979 Colombia earthquake: Evidence for the asperity model
SL Beck, LJ Ruff
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 89 (B11), 9281-9291, 1984
Rupture characteristics of the deep Bolivian earthquake of 9 June 1994 and the mechanism of deep-focus earthquakes
PG Silver, SL Beck, TC Wallace, C Meade, SC Myers, DE James, ...
Science 268 (5207), 69-73, 1995
Upper mantle structure in the south central Chilean subduction zone (30 to 36 S)
LS Wagner, S Beck, G Zandt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B1), 2005
Tectonic evolution of the Central Andean plateau and implications for the growth of plateaus
CN Garzione, N McQuarrie, ND Perez, TA Ehlers, SL Beck, N Kar, ...
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 45 (1), 529-559, 2017
Historical 1942 Ecuador and 1942 Peru subduction earthquakes and earthquake cycles along Colombia-Ecuador and Peru subduction segments
JL Sennson, SL Beck
Pure and applied geophysics 146, 67-101, 1996
Composition and thickness of the southern Altiplano crust, Bolivia
G Zandt, AA Velasco, SL Beck
Geology 22 (11), 1003-1006, 1994
Continental and oceanic crustal structure of the Pampean flat slab region, western Argentina, using receiver function analysis: new high-resolution results
CR Gans, SL Beck, G Zandt, H Gilbert, P Alvarado, M Anderson, ...
Geophysical Journal International 186 (1), 45-58, 2011
Lithospheric‐scale structure across the Bolivian Andes from tomographic images of velocity and attenuation for P and S waves
SC Myers, S Beck, G Zandt, T Wallace
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B9), 21233-21252, 1998
Crustal deformation in the south-central Andes backarc terranes as viewed from regional broad-band seismic waveform modelling
P Alvarado, S Beck, G Zandt, M Araujo, E Triep
Geophysical Journal International 163 (2), 580-598, 2005
Crustal structure of the south-central Andes Cordillera and backarc region from regional waveform modelling
P Alvarado, S Beck, G Zandt
Geophysical Journal International 170 (2), 858-875, 2007
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