Dian Palupi Restuputri
Dian Palupi Restuputri
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Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan dengan Metode AHP dan Rating Scale
RS Ilhami, D Rimantho
Jurnal optimasi sistem industri 16 (2), 150, 2017
Analisis kecelakaan kerja dengan menggunakan metode Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
DP Restuputri, RPD Sari
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri 14 (1), 24-35, 2015
Metode REBA Untuk Pencegahan Musculoskletal Disorder Tenaga Kerja
DP Restuputri, M Lukman, Wibisono
Jurnal Teknik Industri 18 (1), 19-28, 2018
The effect of logistic service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty using kansei engineering during the COVID-19 pandemic
DP Restuputri, TR Indriani, I Masudin
Cogent Business & Management 8 (1), 1906492, 2021
Impact of E-procurement adoption on company performance: Evidence from Indonesian manufacturing industry
I Masudin, GD Aprilia, A Nugraha, DP Restuputri
Logistics 5 (1), 16, 2021
The effect of traceability system and managerial initiative on Indonesian food cold chain performance: A Covid-19 pandemic perspective
I Masudin, A Ramadhani, DP Restuputri, I Amallynda
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management 22 (4), 331-356, 2021
Ensuring the halal integrity of the food supply chain through halal suppliers: a bibliometric review
DI Handayani, I Masudin, A Haris, DP Restuputri
Journal of Islamic Marketing 13 (7), 1457-1478, 2022
Penerapan 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Waste Pada Pt X
DP Restuputri, D Wahyudin
Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri 21 (1), 51-63, 2019
Traceability system in halal procurement: a bibliometric review
I Masudin, BB Rahmatullah, MA Agung, IA Dewanti, DP Restuputri
Logistics 6 (4), 67, 2022
The impact of the traceability of the information systems on humanitarian logistics performance: Case study of Indonesian relief logistics services
I Masudin, E Lau, NT Safitri, DP Restuputri, DI Handayani
Cogent Business & Management 8 (1), 1906052, 2021
The measurement of physical workload and mental workload level of medical personnel
DP Restuputri, AK Pangesti, AK Garside
Jurnal Teknik Industri 20 (1), 34-44, 2019
Customers perception on logistics service quality using Kansei engineering: Empirical evidence from indonesian logistics providers
DP Restuputri, I Masudin, CP Sari
Cogent Business & Management 7 (1), 1751021, 2020
The effect of humanitarian logistics service quality to customer loyalty using Kansei engineering: Evidence from Indonesian logistics service providers
I Masudin, NT Safitri, DP Restuputri, RW Wardana, I Amallynda
Cogent Business & Management 7 (1), 1826718, 2020
Penilaian risiko gangguan musculoskeletal disorder pekerja batik dengan menggunakan metode strain index
DP Restuputri
Jurnal Teknik Industri 19 (1), 97-106, 2018
Traceability system model of Indonesian food cold-chain industry: A Covid-19 pandemic perspective
I Masudin, A Ramadhani, DP Restuputri
Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4, 100238, 2021
Millennial generation awareness of halal supply chain knowledge toward purchase intention for halal meat products: empirical evidence in Indonesia
D Hanifasari, I Masudin, F Zulfikarijah, A Rumijati, DP Restuputri
Journal of Islamic Marketing 15 (7), 1847-1885, 2024
Green procurement implementation through supplier selection: A bibliometric review
I Masudin, SZ Umamy, CN Al-Imron, DP Restuputri
Cogent Engineering 9 (1), 2119686, 2022
The effect of sustainable manufacturing on environmental performance through government regulation and eco-innovation
AN Hermawan, I Masudin, F Zulfikarijah, DP Restuputri, SSR Shariff
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2023
Customer perception on last-mile delivery services using Kansei engineering and conjoint analysis: a case study of Indonesian logistics providers
DP Restuputri, A Fridawati, I Masudin
Logistics 6 (2), 29, 2022
The impact of safety climate on human-technology interaction and sustainable development: Evidence from Indonesian oil and gas industry
I Masudin, N Tsamarah, DP Restuputri, T Trireksani, HG Djajadikerta
Journal of cleaner production 434, 140211, 2024
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