Ben Lindley
Ben Lindley
Assistant Professor of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe wisc.edu - Pagina de pornire
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Current status of the reactor physics code WIMS and recent developments
BA Lindley, JG Hosking, PJ Smith, DJ Powney, BS Tollit, TD Newton, ...
Annals of Nuclear Energy 102, 148-157, 2017
Fuel cycle modelling of open cycle thorium-fuelled nuclear energy systems
SF Ashley, BA Lindley, GT Parks, WJ Nuttall, R Gregg, KW Hesketh, ...
Annals of Nuclear Energy 69, 314-330, 2014
The closed thorium–transuranic fuel cycle in reduced-moderation PWRs and BWRs
BA Lindley, F Franceschini, GT Parks
Annals of Nuclear Energy 63, 241-254, 2014
Thorium breeder and burner fuel cycles in reduced-moderation LWRs compared to fast reactors
BA Lindley, C Fiorina, F Franceschini, EJ Lahoda, GT Parks
Progress in Nuclear Energy 77, 107-123, 2014
The effectiveness of full actinide recycle as a nuclear waste management strategy when implemented over a limited timeframe–Part I: Uranium fuel cycle
BA Lindley, C Fiorina, R Gregg, F Franceschini, GT Parks
Progress in Nuclear Energy 85, 498-510, 2015
Release of WIMS10: a versatile reactor physics code for thermal and fast systems-15467
BA Lindley, TD Newton, JG Hosking, PN Smith, DJ Powney, B Tollit, ...
ICAPP 2015 Proceedings, 2015
Transmutation of thermocouples in thermal and fast nuclear reactors
M Scervini, C Rae, B Lindley
2013 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation …, 2013
A review of nuclear electric fission space reactor technologies for achieving high-power output and operating with HALEU fuel
A Peakman, B Lindley
Progress in Nuclear Energy 163, 104815, 2023
Neutronic performance of high power density marine propulsion cores using UO2 and micro-heterogeneous ThO2-UO2 duplex fuels
SB Alam, BA Lindley, GT Parks
Physics of Reactors 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st …, 2016
Steady-state and transient core feasibility analysis for a thorium-fuelled reduced-moderation PWR performing full transuranic recycle
BA Lindley, A Ahmad, NZ Zainuddin, F Franceschini, GT Parks
Annals of Nuclear Energy 72, 320-337, 2014
Feasibility study of the design of homogeneously mixed thorium-uranium oxide and all-uranium fueled reactor cores for civil nuclear marine propulsion
SB Alam, BA Lindley, GT Parks
American Nuclear Society, 2015
Neutronic analysis of the European sodium fast reactor: Part I—fresh core results
E Fridman, F Álvarez Velarde, P Romojaro Otero, H Tsige-Tamirat, ...
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 8 (1), 011301, 2022
Burnable poison designs for a soluble-boron-free civil nuclear marine PWR core
SB Alam, BA Lindley, GT Parks, E Shwageraus
Physics of Reactors 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st …, 2016
Developments within the WIMS reactor physics code for whole core calculations
B Lindley, G Hosking, P Smith, D Powney, B Tollit, T Fry, R Perry, T Ware, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computational …, 2017
Near-complete transuranic waste incineration in a thorium fuelled pressurised water reactor
BA Lindley, GT Parks
Annals of Nuclear Energy 40 (1), 106-115, 2012
Superphénix benchmark Part I: Results of static neutronics
A Ponomarev, K Mikityuk, L Zhang, E Nikitin, E Fridman, ...
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 8 (1), 011320, 2022
Hot channel analysis of a 333 MWth civil nuclear marine core using the COBRA-EN code
SB Alam, BA Lindley, GT Parks
American Nuclear Society (ANS) 7, 5900, 2015
Lattice design and coolant selection for A 333 MWTH PWR Civil marine propulsion core using thorium-based checkerboard micro-heterogeneous fuel
SB Alam, H Mohamed, BA Lindley, GT Parks
2016 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2016 …, 2016
Can fusion energy be cost-competitive and commercially viable? An analysis of magnetically confined reactors
B Lindley, T Roulstone, G Locatelli, M Rooney
Energy policy 177, 113511, 2023
An initiative for the development and application of open-source multi-physics simulation in support of R&D and E&T in nuclear science and technology
C Fiorina, P Shriwise, A Dufresne, J Ragusa, K Ivanov, T Valentine, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 247, 02040, 2021
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