Output-only modal parameter identification of civil engineering structures WX Ren, ZH Zong Structural Engineering and Mechanics 17 (3-4), 429-444, 2004 | 292 | 2004 |
Dynamic and seismic performance of old multi-tiered temples in Nepal B Jaishi, WX Ren, ZH Zong, PN Maskey Engineering Structures 25 (14), 1827-1839, 2003 | 147 | 2003 |
Long-term monitoring of wind characteristics at Sutong Bridge site H Wang, A Li, J Niu, Z Zong, J Li Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 115, 39-47, 2013 | 133 | 2013 |
A study of RC bridge columns under contact explosion S Yuan, H Hao, Z Zong, J Li International Journal of Impact Engineering 109, 378-390, 2017 | 115 | 2017 |
A new active learning method based on the learning function U of the AK-MCS reliability analysis method Z Peijuan, WC Ming, Z Zhouhong, W Liqi Engineering structures 148, 185-194, 2017 | 114 | 2017 |
剪力连接件静载和疲劳试验研究 宗周红, 车惠民 福州大学学报: 自然科学版 27 (6), 61-66, 1999 | 112* | 1999 |
土木工程结构损伤诊断研究进展 宗周红, 任伟新, 阮毅 土木工程学报 36 (5), 105-110, 2003 | 109* | 2003 |
Dynamic analysis of a half-through concrete-filled steel tubular arch bridge ZH Zong, B Jaishi, JP Ge, WX Ren Engineering Structures 27 (1), 3-15, 2005 | 104 | 2005 |
Experimental and numerical study on the behaviour of CFDST columns subjected to close-in blast loading M Li, Z Zong, H Hao, X Zhang, J Lin, G Xie Engineering Structures 185, 203-220, 2019 | 94 | 2019 |
State-of-the-art report of bridge health monitoring ZH Zong, TL Wang, DZ Huang, ZF Zheng Journal of Fuzhou University (Natural Science) 30 (2), 127-152, 2002 | 88* | 2002 |
Experimental and numerical study on damage mechanism of CFDST bridge columns subjected to contact explosion M Li, Z Zong, L Liu, F Lou Engineering Structures 159, 265-276, 2018 | 69 | 2018 |
Experimental and numerical studies of the seismic behavior of a steel-concrete composite rigid-frame bridge subjected to the surface rupture at a thrust fault Y Lin, Z Zong, K Bi, H Hao, J Lin, Y Chen Engineering Structures 205, 110105, 2020 | 65 | 2020 |
Finite element model validation of bridge based on structural health monitoring—Part I: Response surface-based finite element model updating Z Zong, X Lin, J Niu Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (english edition) 2 (4 …, 2015 | 65 | 2015 |
Seismic response study on a multi-span cable-stayed bridge scale model under multi-support excitations. Part I: shaking table tests Z Zong, R Zhou, X Huang, Z Xia Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 15 (5), 351-363, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
Numerical study on the behavior of utility tunnel subjected to ground surface explosion H Qian, Z Zong, C Wu, J Li, L Gan Thin-Walled Structures 161, 107422, 2021 | 62 | 2021 |
A new baseline correction method for near-fault strong-motion records based on the target final displacement Y Lin, Z Zong, S Tian, J Lin Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 114, 27-37, 2018 | 55 | 2018 |
方钢管混凝土柱与钢梁连接节点的拟静力试验研究 宗周红, 林于东, 陈慧文, 葛继平, 杨强跃 建筑结构学报 26 (01), 77-84, 2005 | 54 | 2005 |
基于健康监测的连续刚构桥有限元模型确认 (Ⅰ)——基于响应面法的有限元模型修正 宗周红, 高铭霖, 夏樟华 土木工程学报 44 (2), 90-98, 2011 | 51* | 2011 |
Experimental and numerical study of CFRP protective RC piers under contact explosion L Liu, Z Zong, C Gao, S Yuan, F Lou Composite Structures 234, 111658, 2020 | 45 | 2020 |
Post-blast performance and residual capacity of CFDST columns subjected to contact explosions M Li, Z Zong, H Hao, X Zhang, J Lin, Y Liao Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167, 105960, 2020 | 44 | 2020 |