Effects of mining on reindeer/caribou populations and indigenous livelihoods: community-based monitoring by Sami reindeer herders in Sweden and First Nations in Canada TM Herrmann, P Sandström, K Granqvist, N D’Astous, J Vannar, H Asselin, ... The Polar Journal 4 (1), 28-51, 2014 | 90 | 2014 |
Knowledge, values, uses and management of the Araucaria araucana forest by the indigenous Mapuche Pewenche people: a basis for collaborative natural resource management in … TM Herrmann Natural Resources Forum 29 (2), 120-134, 2005 | 78 | 2005 |
Values, animal symbolism, and human-animal relationships associated to two threatened felids in Mapuche and Chilean local narratives TM Herrmann, E Schüttler, P Benavides, N Gálvez, L Söhn, N Palomo Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 9, 1-15, 2013 | 74 | 2013 |
IMALIRIJIIT: a community-based environmental monitoring program in the George River watershed, Nunavik, Canada J Gérin-Lajoie, TM Herrmann, GA MacMillan, É Hébert-Houle, M Monfette, ... Écoscience 25 (4), 381-399, 2018 | 62 | 2018 |
Traditional knowledge, use practices and conservation of medicinal plants for HIV/AIDS care in rural Tanzania DP Kisangau, TM Herrmann, HVM Lyaruu, KM Hosea, CC Joseph, ... University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2011 | 53 | 2011 |
The role of digital data entry in participatory environmental monitoring JR Brammer, ND Brunet, AC Burton, A Cuerrier, F Danielsen, K Dewan, ... Conservation Biology 30 (6), 1277-1287, 2016 | 52 | 2016 |
Building food security in the Canadian Arctic through the development of sustainable community greenhouses and gardening A Lamalice, D Haillot, MA Lamontagne, TM Herrmann, S Gibout, S Blangy, ... Écoscience 25 (4), 325-341, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
A gender perspective on water resources and sanitation M Brewster, TM Herrmann, B Bleisch, R Pearl Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women's & Gender Studies 3 (1), 2, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |
Environmental sanitation and health risks in tropical urban settings: Case study of household refuse and diarrhea in Yaounde-Cameroon HN Yongsi, TM Herrmann, AL Ntetu, R Sietchiping, C Bryant International Journal of Social Sciences 3 (3), 158-166, 2008 | 41 | 2008 |
Citizen science’s transformative impact on science, citizen empowerment and socio-political processes J von Gönner, TM Herrmann, T Bruckermann, M Eichinger, S Hecker, ... Socio-ecological practice research 5 (1), 11-33, 2023 | 38 | 2023 |
Improving the relationships between Indigenous rights holders and researchers in the Arctic: an invitation for change in funding and collaboration N Doering, S Dudeck, S Elverum, C Fisher, JE Henriksen, TM Herrmann, ... Environmental Research Letters 17 (6), 065014, 2022 | 34 | 2022 |
Linking Cree hunters’ and scientific observations of changing inland ice and meteorological conditions in the subarctic eastern James Bay region, Canada MJS Royer, TM Herrmann, O Sonnentag, D Fortier, K Delusca, ... Climatic Change 119, 719-732, 2013 | 29 | 2013 |
Climate and herbivore influence on Vaccinium myrtillus over the last 40 years in northwest Lapland, Finland N Boulanger‐Lapointe, A Järvinen, R Partanen, TM Herrmann Ecosphere 8 (1), e01654, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Understanding subarctic wildlife in Eastern James Bay under changing climatic and socio-environmental conditions: bringing together Cree hunters' ecological knowledge and … TM Herrmann, MJS Royer, R Cuciurean Polar Geography 35 (3-4), 245-270, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
Soutenir la sécurité alimentaire dans le Grand Nord: projets communautaires d’agriculture sous serre au Nunavik et au Nunavut A Lamalice, E Avard, V Coxam, T Herrmann, C Desbiens, Y Wittrant, ... études/inuit/studies 40 (1), 147-169, 2016 | 24 | 2016 |
Interdependence of biodiversity and development under global change. PL Ibisch, A Vega E, TM Herrmann | 24 | 2010 |
Socioenvironmental changes in two traditional food species of the Cree First Nation of subarctic James Bay MJ Royer, T Herrmann Cahiers de géographie du Québec 55 (156), 575-601, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |
Utilization and conservation of medicinal plants used for primary health care in Makueni district, Kenya DP Kisangau, TM Herrmann The International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management 3 (3), 184-192, 2007 | 22 | 2007 |
Weißbuch citizen science strategie 2030 für Deutschland A Bonn, W Brink, S Hecker, TM Herrmann, C Liedtke, M Premke-Kraus, ... OSF, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
Magellanic penguin (Spheniscidae) monitoring results for Magdalena island (Chile) 2000-2008 M Bingham, TM Herrmann Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, Chile 36, 19-32, 2008 | 18 | 2008 |