Jacqueline Snow
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Bringing the real world into the fMRI scanner: Repetition effects for pictures versus real objects
JC Snow, CE Pettypiece, TD McAdam, AD McLean, PW Stroman, ...
Scientific reports 1 (1), 130, 2011
Impaired attentional selection following lesions to human pulvinar: evidence for homology between human and monkey
JC Snow, HA Allen, RD Rafal, GW Humphreys
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (10), 4054-4059, 2009
Real-world objects are more memorable than photographs of objects
JC Snow, RM Skiba, TL Coleman, ME Berryhill
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 837, 2014
The treachery of images: how realism influences brain and behavior
JC Snow, JC Culham
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 25 (6), 506-519, 2021
Graspable objects grab attention more than images do
MA Gomez, RM Skiba, JC Snow
Psychological Science 29 (2), 206-218, 2018
What role does “elongation” play in “tool-specific” activation and connectivity in the dorsal and ventral visual streams?
J Chen, JC Snow, JC Culham, MA Goodale
Cerebral Cortex 28 (4), 1117-1131, 2018
Goal-driven selective attention in patients with right hemisphere lesions: how intact is the ipsilesional field?
JC Snow, JB Mattingley
Brain 129 (1), 168-181, 2006
Distinct visuo-motor brain dynamics for real-world objects versus planar images
F Marini, KA Breeding, JC Snow
Neuroimage 195, 232-242, 2019
Haptic shape processing in visual cortex
JC Snow, L Strother, GW Humphreys
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26 (5), 1154-1167, 2014
What does dorsal cortex contribute to perception?
E Freud, M Behrmann, JC Snow
Open Mind 4, 40-56, 2020
Priming tool actions: Are real objects more effective primes than pictures?
SD Squires, SN Macdonald, JC Culham, JC Snow
Experimental Brain Research 234, 963-976, 2016
Are visual texture-selective areas recruited during haptic texture discrimination?
SK Podrebarac, MA Goodale, JC Snow
Neuroimage 94, 129-137, 2014
Real-world size coding of solid objects, but not 2-D or 3-D images, in visual agnosia patients with bilateral ventral lesions
DE Holler, M Behrmann, JC Snow
Cortex 119, 555-568, 2019
The real deal: Willingness-to-pay and satiety expectations are greater for real foods versus their images
CA Romero, MT Compton, Y Yang, JC Snow
Cortex 107, 78-91, 2018
Towards a unified perspective of object shape and motion processing in human dorsal cortex
G Erlikhman, GP Caplovitz, G Gurariy, J Medina, JC Snow
Consciousness and Cognition 64, 106-120, 2018
Preserved haptic shape processing after bilateral LOC lesions
JC Snow, MA Goodale, JC Culham
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (40), 13745-13760, 2015
Attentional capture for tool images is driven by the head end of the tool, not the handle
RM Skiba, JC Snow
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78, 2500-2514, 2016
Object responses are highly malleable, rather than invariant, with changes in object appearance
DE Holler, S Fabbri, JC Snow
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 4654, 2020
Graspability modulates the stronger neural signature of motor preparation for real objects vs. pictures
GT Fairchild, F Marini, JC Snow
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33 (12), 2477-2493, 2021
Gender-selective neural populations: evidence from event-related fMRI repetition suppression
SK Podrebarac, MA Goodale, R Van Der Zwan, JC Snow
Experimental brain research 226 (2), 241-252, 2013
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