S M Najmul Hoque, PhD
Citat de
Citat de
Optimum sizing of a stand-alone hybrid energy system for rural electrification in Bangladesh
S Mandal, BK Das, N Hoque
Journal of Cleaner Production 200, 12-27, 2018
A techno-economic feasibility of a stand-alone hybrid power generation for remote area application in Bangladesh
BK Das, N Hoque, S Mandal, TK Pal, MA Raihan
Energy 134, 775-788, 2017
Karanja (Pongamia Pinnata) biodiesel production in Bangladesh, characterization of karanja biodiesel and its effect on diesel emissions
MN Nabi, SMN Hoque, MS Akhter
Fuel Processing Technology 90 (9), 1080-1086, 2009
Assessment of the potential of biomass gasification for electricity generation in Bangladesh
BK Das, SMN Hoque
Journal of Renewable Energy 2014 (1), 429518, 2014
Analysis of cost, energy and emission of solar home systems in Bangladesh
SMN Hoque, BK Das
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 3 (2), 347-352, 2013
Biodiesel production from linseed oil and performance study of a diesel engine with diesel bio-diesel fuels
MN Nabi, SMN Hoque
Journal of Mechanical Engineering 39 (1), 40-44, 2008
Socio-economic & environmental impacts of battery driven auto rickshaw at Rajshahi city in Bangladesh
MA Rahim, MUH Joardder, SM Houque, MM Rahman, NA Sumon
International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering 2012, 2013
Present status of solar home and photovoltaic micro utility systems in Bangladesh and recommendation for further expansion and upgrading for rural electrification
SM Najmul Hoque, B Kumar Das
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5 (4), 2013
Performance of photovoltaic micro utility systems
N Hoque, S Kumar
Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (5), 424-430, 2013
A comparative study on pyrolysis for liquid oil from different biomass solid wastes
MN Islam, MUH Joardder, SMN Hoque, MS Uddin
Procedia Engineering 56, 643-649, 2013
Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Alternative Energy Sources for the Western Australian Transport Sector
N Hoque, I Mazhar, W BIswas, I Howard
Sustainability 12 (14), 2020
LCSA Framework for Assessing Sustainability of Alternative Fuels for Transport Sector
N Hoque, WK Biswas, I Mazhar, I Howard
Chemical Engineering Transactions 72, 103-108, 2019
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Alternative Fuels for Western Australia’s Transport Sector
N Hoque, W Biswas, I Mazhar, I Howard
Atmosphere 10 (7: 398), 2019
Performance and emission comparison of Karanja (pongamia pinnata), Pithraj (aphanamixis polystachya), Neem (azadira chtaindica) and Mahua (madhuca longofolia) seed oil as a …
N Hoque, M Mourshed, BK Das
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME) 12 …, 2015
Evaluation of Energy Payback and CO 2 Emission of Solar Home Systems in Bangladesh
SMN Hoque, BK Das, MRA Beg
Procedia Engineering 90, 675-679, 2014
A brief study of the prospect of hybrid solar irrigation system in Bangladesh
MA Hasnat, MN Hasan, N Hoque
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical and Energy Engineering, 2014
Energy recovery potential from municipal solid waste in Rajshahi city by landfill technique
BK Das, MA Kader, SMN Hoque
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 4 (2), 349-354, 2014
Techno-economic evaluation of solar irrigation plants installed in Bangladesh
N Hoque, A Roy, M Beg, A Rafiqul, BK Das
CBIORE Diponegoro University, 2016
Use of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and cyclonic separator for simultaneous NOx and PM reduction in DI diesel engines
MR Murari, AI Md, MR Md
Journal of Petroleum and Gas engineering 3 (2), 54-63, 2011
Prospect of Jatropha Curcas and Pithraj cultivation in Bangladesh
MN Nabi, SMN Hoque, MS Uddin
J Eng Technol 7 (1), 42, 2009
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