Junaid Ahmed Khan
Junaid Ahmed Khan
Assistant Professor, Western Washington University, Ex Postdoc at New York University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe wwu.edu - Pagina de pornire
Citat de
Citat de
Energy management in wireless sensor networks: A survey
JA Khan, HK Qureshi, A Iqbal
Computers & Electrical Engineering 41, 159-176, 2015
SAVING: socially aware vehicular information-centric networking
JA Khan, Y Ghamri-Doudane
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (8), 100-107, 2016
Leveraging content connectivity and location awareness for adaptive forwarding in NDN-based mobile ad hoc networks
M Chowdhury, JA Khan, L Wang
Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 59-69, 2020
Information-Centric Fog Network for Incentivized Collaborative Caching in the Internet of Everything
JA Khan, C Westphal, Y Ghamri-Doudane
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2019
ROVERS - Incentive-based Recruitment of Connected Vehicles for Urban Big Data Collection
JA Khan, Y Ghamri-Doudane
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019
A Content-based Centrality Metric for Collaborative Caching in Information-Centric Fogs
JA Khan, C Westphal, Y Ghamri-Doudane
IFIP Networking-ICFC, 2017
Smart Cities Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index
JA Khan, L Wang, EL Jacobs, S Mishra, M Golias, CA Santo, ...
ACM/EIGSCC Symposium On Smart Cities and Communities, 2019
Offloading Content with Self-organizing Mobile Fogs
JA Khan, C Westphal, Y Ghamri-Doudane
IEEE ITC 29, 2017
Autonomous Identification and Optimal Selection of Popular Smart Vehicles for Urban Sensing - An Information-centric Approach
JA Khan, Y Ghamri-Doudane, D Botvich
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2016
A Popularity-aware Centrality Metric for Content Placement in Information Centric Networks
JA Khan, C Westphal, Y Ghamri-Doudane
IEEE ICNC 2018, 2018
NICE: Network-oriented Information-centric Centrality for Efficiency in Cache Management
JA Khan, C Westphal, JJ Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Y Ghamri-Doudane
ACM ICN 2018, 2018
Smart Forwarding in NDN VANET
M Chowdhury, JA Khan, L Wang
ACM ICN 2019, 2019
Car rank: An information-centric identification of important smart vehicles for urban sensing
JA Khan, Y Ghamri-Doudane
2015 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2015
Inforank: Information-centric autonomous identification of popular smart vehicles
JA Khan, Y Ghamri-Doudane, D Botvich
2015 IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2015-Fall), 1-6, 2015
GSS-VC: A Game-theoretic Approach for Service Selection in Vehicular Cloud
B Brik, JA Khan, Y Ghamri-Doudane, N Lagraa, A Lakas
IEEE CCNC 2018, 2018
TREAD: privacy preserving incentivized connected vehicle mobility data storage on interplanetary-file-system-enabled blockchain
JA Khan, KU Bangalore, A Kurkcu, K Ozbay
Transportation research record 2676 (2), 680-691, 2022
STRIVE: Socially-aware Three-tier Routing in Information-centric Vehicular Environment
JA Khan, Y Ghamri-Doudane
IEEE Globecom 2016, 2016
Building Indoor Point Cloud Datasets with Object Annotation for Public Safety.
M Hossain, T Ma, T Watson, B Simmers, JA Khan, EL Jacobs, L Wang
SMARTGREENS, 45-56, 2021
GRank - An Information-Centric Autonomous and Distributed Ranking of Popular Smart Vehicles
JA Khan, Y Ghamri-Doudane, D Botvich
IEEE Globecom 2015, 2015
AFFIRM: Privacy-by-Design Blockchain for Mobility Data in Web3 using Information Centric Fog Networks with Collaborative Learning
JA Khan, K Ozbay
IEEE ICNC 2023, 2023
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