Paresh Chandra Deka
Paresh Chandra Deka
Professsor, Department of Water resources and Ocean Engg, NITK Surathkal.
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Support vector machine applications in the field of hydrology: a review
S Raghavendra N, PC Deka
Applied Soft Computing 19, 372-386, 2014
An extreme learning machine approach for modeling evapotranspiration using extrinsic inputs
AP Patil, PC Deka
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 121, 385-392, 2016
Wavelet coupled MARS and M5 Model Tree approaches for groundwater level forecasting
M Rezaie-balf, SR Naganna, A Ghaemi, PC Deka
Journal of hydrology 553, 356-373, 2017
A basic review of fuzzy logic applications in hydrology and water resources
S Kambalimath, PC Deka
Applied Water Science 10 (8), 1-14, 2020
Discrete wavelet neural network approach in significant wave height forecasting for multistep lead time
PC Deka, R Prahlada
Ocean Engineering 43, 32-42, 2012
Dew point temperature estimation: application of artificial intelligence model integrated with nature-inspired optimization algorithms
SR Naganna, PC Deka, MA Ghorbani, SM Biazar, N Al-Ansari, ...
Water 11 (4), 742, 2019
A fuzzy neural network model for deriving the river stage—discharge relationship
P Deka, V Chandramouli
Hydrological sciences journal 48 (2), 197-209, 2003
Remote sensing and GIS application in assessment of coastal vulnerability and shoreline changes: a review
KSS Parthasarathy, PC Deka
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 27 (sup1), 588-600, 2021
Forecasting monthly groundwater level fluctuations in coastal aquifers using hybrid Wavelet packet–Support vector regression
N Sujay Raghavendra, PC Deka
Cogent Engineering 2 (1), 999414, 2015
Neural network based decision support model for optimal reservoir operation
V Chandramouli, P Deka
Water resources management 19, 447-464, 2005
Offshore wind power resource assessment using Oceansat-2 scatterometer data at a regional scale
S Gadad, PC Deka
Applied Energy 176, 157-170, 2016
Sustainable development and management of groundwater resources in mining affected areas: a review
NS Raghavendra, PC Deka
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 11, 598-604, 2015
Fuzzy neural network model for hydrologic flow routing
P Deka, V Chandramouli
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 10 (4), 302-314, 2005
Forecasting of time series significant wave height using wavelet decomposed neural network
R Prahlada, PC Deka
Aquatic Procedia 4, 540-547, 2015
Spatio-temporal classification and prediction of land use and land cover change for the Vembanad Lake system, Kerala: a machine learning approach
P Kulithalai Shiyam Sundar, PC Deka
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29 (57), 86220-86236, 2022
Fuzzy neural network modeling of reservoir operation
PC Deka, V Chandramouli
Journal of water resources planning and management 135 (1), 5-12, 2009
Hybrid wavelet packet machine learning approaches for drought modeling
P Das, SR Naganna, PC Deka, J Pushparaj
Environmental Earth Sciences 79 (10), 221, 2020
Factors influencing streambed hydraulic conductivity and their implications on stream–aquifer interaction: a conceptual review
SR Naganna, PC Deka, S Ch, WF Hansen
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 24765-24789, 2017
Evaluating the performance of CHIRPS satellite rainfall data for streamflow forecasting
B Sulugodu, PC Deka
Water Resources Management 33, 3913-3927, 2019
Performance evaluation of hybrid Wavelet-ANN and Wavelet-ANFIS models for estimating evapotranspiration in arid regions of India
AP Patil, PC Deka
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-11, 2015
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