Gabriel Nuto Nóbrega
Gabriel Nuto Nóbrega
Department of Soil Sciences, Federal University of Ceara
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Citat de
The Samarco mine tailing disaster: a possible time-bomb for heavy metals contamination?
HM Queiroz, GN Nóbrega, TO Ferreira, LS Almeida, TB Romero, ...
Science of the Total Environment 637, 498-506, 2018
Shrimp ponds lead to massive loss of soil carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in northeastern Brazilian mangroves
JB Kauffman, AF Bernardino, TO Ferreira, NW Bolton, LEO Gomes, ...
Ecology and evolution 8 (11), 5530-5540, 2018
The Brazilian soil spectral library (BSSL): A general view, application and challenges
JAM Demattê, AC Dotto, AFS Paiva, MV Sato, RSD Dalmolin, ...
Geoderma 354, 113793, 2019
Manganese: The overlooked contaminant in the world largest mine tailings dam collapse
HM Queiroz, SC Ying, M Abernathy, D Barcellos, FA Gabriel, XL Otero, ...
Environment international 146, 106284, 2021
Iron and sulfur geochemistry in semi-arid mangrove soils (Ceará, Brazil) in relation to seasonal changes and shrimp farming effluents
GN Nóbrega, TO Ferreira, RE Romero, AGB Marques, XL Otero
Environmental monitoring and assessment 185, 7393-7407, 2013
High primary production contrasts with intense carbon emission in a eutrophic tropical reservoir
RM Almeida, GN Nobrega, PC Junger, AV Figueiredo, AS Andrade, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 717, 2016
The effect of nutrient-rich effluents from shrimp farming on mangrove soil carbon storage and geochemistry under semi-arid climate conditions in northern Brazil
M Suárez-Abelenda, TO Ferreira, M Camps-Arbestain, VH Rivera-Monroy, ...
Geoderma 213, 551-559, 2014
Edaphic factors controlling summer (rainy season) greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and CH4) from semiarid mangrove soils (NE-Brazil)
GN Nóbrega, TO Ferreira, MS Neto, HM Queiroz, AG Artur, ...
Science of the Total Environment 542, 685-693, 2016
Phosphorus enriched effluents increase eutrophication risks for mangrove systems in northeastern Brazil
D Barcellos, HM Queiroz, GN Nobrega, RL de Oliveira Filho, ST Santaella, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 142, 58-63, 2019
Evaluation of methods for quantifying organic carbon in mangrove soils from semi-arid region
GN Nóbrega, TO Ferreira, AG Artur, ES de Mendonça, RA de O. Leão, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 15, 282-291, 2015
Selective geochemistry of iron in mangrove soils in a semiarid tropical climate: effects of the burrowing activity of the crabs Ucides cordatus and Uca maracoani
JMC Araújo, XL Otero, AGB Marques, GN Nóbrega, JRF Silva, ...
Geo-Marine Letters 32, 289-300, 2012
Phosphorus geochemistry in a Brazilian semiarid mangrove soil affected by shrimp farm effluents
GN Nóbrega, XL Otero, F Macías, TO Ferreira
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 5749-5762, 2014
From sinks to sources: The role of Fe oxyhydroxide transformations on phosphorus dynamics in estuarine soils
HM Queiroz, TO Ferreira, D Barcellos, GN Nóbrega, J Antelo, XL Otero, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 278, 111575, 2021
Hypersaline tidal flats (apicum ecosystems): the weak link in the tropical wetlands chain
AGBM Albuquerque, TO Ferreira, RL Cabral, GN Nobrega, RE Romero, ...
Environmental Reviews 22 (2), 99-109, 2014
Hidden contribution of shrimp farming effluents to greenhouse gas emissions from mangrove soils
HM Queiroz, AG Artur, CAK Taniguchi, MRS da Silveira, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 221, 8-14, 2019
The role of bioturbation by Ucides cordatus crab in the fractionation and bioavailability of trace metals in tropical semiarid mangroves
JMCA Júnior, TO Ferreira, M Suarez-Abelenda, GN Nóbrega, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 111 (1-2), 194-202, 2016
High fragility of the soil organic C pools in mangrove forests
XL Otero, A Méndez, GN Nóbrega, TO Ferreira, MJ Santiso-Taboada, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 119 (1), 460-464, 2017
Soil genesis on hypersaline tidal flats (apicum ecosystem) in a tropical semi-arid estuary (Ceará, Brazil)
A Albuquerque, TO Ferreira, GN Nóbrega, RE Romero, VSS Júnior, ...
Soil Research 52 (2), 140-154, 2014
Desempenho agronômico e divergência genética de genótipos de coentro
CHM Bertini, EAR Pinheiro, GN Nóbrega, JML Duarte
Revista Ciência Agronômica 41, 409-416, 2010
Ecosystem carbon losses following a climate-induced mangrove mortality in Brazil
LE de Oliveira Gomes, CJ Sanders, GN Nobrega, LC Vescovi, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 297, 113381, 2021
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