Bo Li
Bo Li
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Depth and surface normal estimation from monocular images using regression on deep features and hierarchical CRFs
B Li, C Shen, Y Dai, A Van Den Hengel, M He
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
Multi-scale 3D deep convolutional neural network for hyperspectral image classification
M He, B Li, H Chen
2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3904-3908, 2017
Skeleton based action recognition using translation-scale invariant image mapping and multi-scale deep CNN
B Li, Y Dai, X Cheng, H Chen, Y Lin, M He
2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW …, 2017
Monocular depth estimation with hierarchical fusion of dilated cnns and soft-weighted-sum inference
B Li, Y Dai, M He
Pattern Recognition 83, 328-339, 2018
A multiscale framework with unsupervised learning for remote sensing image registration
Y Ye, T Tang, B Zhu, C Yang, B Li, S Hao
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-15, 2022
Mvs2: Deep unsupervised multi-view stereo with multi-view symmetry
Y Dai, Z Zhu, Z Rao, B Li
2019 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 1-8, 2019
Hyperspectral image super-resolution by band attention through adversarial learning
J Li, R Cui, B Li, R Song, Y Li, Y Dai, Q Du
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 58 (6), 4304-4318, 2020
Label Distribution-Based Facial Attractiveness Computation by Deep Residual Learning
YY Fan, S Liu, B Li, Z Guo, A Samal, J Wan, SZ Li
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2017
NLCA-Net: a non-local context attention network for stereo matching
Z Rao, M He, Y Dai, Z Zhu, B Li, R He
APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing 9, 2020
Hybrid 2-D–3-D deep residual attentional network with structure tensor constraints for spectral super-resolution of RGB images
J Li, C Wu, R Song, W Xie, C Ge, B Li, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (3), 2321-2335, 2020
3D skeleton based action recognition by video-domain translation-scale invariant mapping and multi-scale dilated CNN
B Li, M He, Y Dai, X Cheng, Y Chen
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77 (17), 22901-22921, 2018
Lrru: Long-short range recurrent updating networks for depth completion
Y Wang, B Li, G Zhang, Q Liu, T Gao, Y Dai
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2023
Efficient Multi-View Stereo by Iterative Dynamic Cost Volume
S Wang*, B Li*, (*equal contribution), Y Dai
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Skeleton boxes: Solving skeleton based action detection with a single deep convolutional neural network
B Li, H Chen, Y Chen, Y Dai, M He
2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW …, 2017
Dual 1D-2D spatial-spectral cnn for hyperspectral image super-resolution
J Li, R Cui, B Li, Y Li, S Mei, Q Du
IGARSS 2019-2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2019
Hyperspectral image super-resolution with 1D–2D attentional convolutional neural network
J Li, R Cui, B Li, R Song, Y Li, Q Du
Remote Sensing 11 (23), 2859, 2019
Multi-scale cross-form pyramid network for stereo matching
Z Zhu, M He, Y Dai, Z Rao, B Li
2019 14th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA …, 2019
Facial attractiveness computation by label distribution learning with deep CNN and geometric features
S Liu, B Li, YY Fan, Z Quo, A Samal
Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, 1344-1349, 2017
Target before shooting: Accurate anomaly detection and localization under one millisecond via cascade patch retrieval
H Li, J Hu, B Li, H Chen, Y Zheng, C Shen
IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, 2024
Multitemporal hyperspectral image super-resolution through 3D generative adversarial network
J Li, R Cui, Y Li, B Li, Q Du, C Ge
2019 10th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote …, 2019
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