Daniel Nadal—Sala
Daniel Nadal—Sala
Post-doctoral researcher in CREAF (Catalunya, Spain)
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ub.edu
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Citat de
Assessment of the impacts of climate change on Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems based on data from field experiments and long-term monitored field gradients in Catalonia
J Peñuelas, J Sardans, I Filella, M Estiarte, J Llusià, R Ogaya, J Carnicer, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 152, 49-59, 2018
Tree mortality submodels drive simulated long‐term forest dynamics: assessing 15 models from the stand to global scale
H Bugmann, R Seidl, F Hartig, F Bohn, J Brůna, M Cailleret, L François, ...
Ecosphere 10 (2), e02616, 2019
Leaf shedding and non-stomatal limitations of photosynthesis mitigate hydraulic conductance losses in scots pine saplings during severe drought stress
D Nadal-Sala, R Grote, B Birami, T Knüver, R Rehschuh, S Schwarz, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 715127, 2021
Growth and water use performance of four co-occurring riparian tree species in a Mediterranean riparian forest
D Nadal-Sala, S Sabaté, E Sánchez-Costa, S Poblador, F Sabater, ...
Forest ecology and management 396, 132-142, 2017
Global warming likely to enhance black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) growth in a Mediterranean riparian forest
D Nadal-Sala, F Hartig, CA Gracia, S Sabaté
Forest Ecology and Management 449, 117448, 2019
Gains or Losses in Forest Productivity under Climate Change? The Uncertainty of CO2 Fertilization and Climate Effects
D Sperlich, D Nadal-Sala, C Gracia, J Kreuzwieser, M Hanewinkel, ...
Climate 8 (12), 141, 2020
Short-term effects of spring prescribed burning on the understory vegetation of a Pinus halepensis forest in Northeastern Spain
L Fuentes, B Duguy, D Nadal-Sala
Science of the Total Environment 610, 720-731, 2018
Accuracy, realism and general applicability of European forest models
M Mahnken, M Cailleret, A Collalti, C Trotta, C Biondo, E d'Andrea, ...
Global Change Biology 28 (23), 6921-6943, 2022
Tree mortality submodels drive simulated long-term forest dynamics: assessing 15 models from the stand to global scale, Ecosphere, 10, e02616
H Bugmann, R Seidl, F Hartig, F Bohn, J Brůna, M Cailleret, L François, ...
Modelling the seasonal impacts of a wastewater treatment plant on water quality in a Mediterranean stream using microbial indicators
M Pascual-Benito, D Nadal-Sala, M Tobella, E Ballesté, C García-Aljaro, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 261, 110220, 2020
Geophysical exploration on the subsurface geology of La Garrotxa monogenetic volcanic field (NE Iberian Peninsula)
X Bolós, S Barde-Cabusson, D Pedrazzi, J Martí, A Casas, R Lovera, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 103, 2255-2269, 2014
MEDFATE 2.8. 1: A trait-enabled model to simulate Mediterranean forest function and dynamics at regional scales
M De Cáceres, R Molowny-Horas, A Cabon, J Martínez-Vilalta, ...
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2022, 1-52, 2022
Increasing aridity will not offset CO2 fertilization in fast‐growing eucalypts with access to deep soil water
D Nadal‐Sala, BE Medlyn, NK Ruehr, CVM Barton, DS Ellsworth, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (12), 2970-2990, 2021
Dying by drying: Timing of physiological stress thresholds related to tree death is not significantly altered by highly elevated CO2
M Gattmann, B Birami, D Nadal Sala, NK Ruehr
Plant, cell & environment 44 (2), 356-370, 2021
Heatwave frequency and seedling death alter stress-specific emissions of volatile organic compounds in Aleppo pine
B Birami, I Bamberger, A Ghirardo, R Grote, A Arneth, E Gaona-Colmán, ...
Oecologia, 1-18, 2021
GOTILWA+: un modelo de procesos que evalúa efectos del cambio climático en los bosques y explora alternativas de gestión para su mitigación
DN Sala, S Sabaté, C Gracia
Ecosistemas 22 (3), 29-36, 2013
Importancia relativa dela profundidad del suelo para la resiliencia de los bosques de pino carrasco (Pinus halepensis Mill.) frente al incremento de aridez debido al cambio …
D Nadal-Sala, S Sabaté, C Gracia
Ecosistemas 26 (2), 18-26, 2017
Forest eco-physiological models: water use and carbon sequestration
D Nadal-Sala, TF Keenan, S Sabaté, C Gracia
Managing forest ecosystems: the challenge of climate change, 81-102, 2017
Assessing model performance via the most limiting environmental driver in two differently stressed pine stands
D Nadal‐Sala, R Grote, B Birami, A Lintunen, I Mammarella, Y Preisler, ...
Ecological applications 31 (4), e02312, 2021
Gains or losses in forest productivity under climate change? The uncertainty of CO2 fertilization and climate effects. Climate 8: 1–22
D Sperlich, D Nadal-Sala, C Gracia, J Kreuzwieser, M Hanewinkel, ...
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