Joaquim Comas
Joaquim Comas
Alte numeJ. Comas, Quim Comas
Catedràtic d'Enginyeria Química, LEQUIA, Universitat de Girona; Research Professor at ICRA
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Comparison of removal of pharmaceuticals in MBR and activated sludge systems
J Sipma, B Osuna, N Collado, H Monclús, G Ferrero, J Comas, ...
Desalination 250 (2), 653-659, 2010
Designing and building real environmental decision support systems
M Poch, J Comas, I Rodríguez-Roda, M Sanchez-Marre, U Cortés
Environmental modelling & software 19 (9), 857-873, 2004
Removal of emerging contaminants from municipal wastewater with an integrated membrane system, MBR–RO
D Dolar, M Gros, S Rodriguez-Mozaz, J Moreno, J Comas, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 239, 64-69, 2012
Pharmaceuticals occurrence in a WWTP with significant industrial contribution and its input into the river system
N Collado, S Rodriguez-Mozaz, M Gros, A Rubirola, D Barceló, J Comas, ...
Environmental pollution 185, 202-212, 2014
Biological nutrient removal in an MBR treating municipal wastewater with special focus on biological phosphorus removal
H Monclús, J Sipma, G Ferrero, I Rodriguez-Roda, J Comas
Bioresource technology 101 (11), 3984-3991, 2010
Nature-based solutions in the urban context: Terminology, classification and scoring for urban challenges and ecosystem services
JAC Castellar, LA Popartan, J Pueyo-Ros, N Atanasova, G Langergraber, ...
Science of the Total Environment 779, 146237, 2021
Advanced biological activated carbon filter for removing pharmaceutically active compounds from treated wastewater
L Sbardella, J Comas, A Fenu, I Rodriguez-Roda, M Weemaes
Science of the Total Environment 636, 519-529, 2018
Resilience theory incorporated into urban wastewater systems management. State of the art
P Juan-Garcia, D Butler, J Comas, G Darch, C Sweetapple, A Thornton, ...
Water research 115, 149-161, 2017
Efficiently combining water reuse and desalination through forward osmosis—reverse osmosis (FO-RO) hybrids: a critical review
G Blandin, ARD Verliefde, J Comas, I Rodriguez-Roda, P Le-Clech
Membranes 6 (3), 37, 2016
Optimized MBR for greywater reuse systems in hotel facilities
N Atanasova, M Dalmau, J Comas, M Poch, I Rodriguez-Roda, ...
Journal of environmental management 193, 503-511, 2017
Water footprint assessment in wastewater treatment plants
S Morera, L Corominas, M Poch, MM Aldaya, J Comas
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 4741-4748, 2016
Effects on activated sludge bacterial community exposed to sulfamethoxazole
N Collado, G Buttiglieri, E Marti, L Ferrando-Climent, S Rodriguez-Mozaz, ...
Chemosphere 93 (1), 99-106, 2013
Removal of microbial indicators from municipal wastewater by a membrane bioreactor (MBR)
E Marti, H Monclús, J Jofre, I Rodriguez-Roda, J Comas, JL Balcázar
Bioresource technology 102 (8), 5004-5009, 2011
Instrumentation, control and automation in wastewater–from London 1973 to Narbonne 2013
G Olsson, B Carlsson, J Comas, J Copp, KV Gernaey, P Ingildsen, ...
Water Science and Technology 69 (7), 1373-1385, 2014
Prediction of the bulking phenomenon in wastewater treatment plants
L Belanche, JJ Valdés, J Comas, IR Roda, M Poch
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 14 (4), 307-317, 2000
Risk assessment modelling of microbiology-related solids separation problems in activated sludge systems
J Comas, I Rodríguez-Roda, KV Gernaey, C Rosen, U Jeppsson, M Poch
Environmental Modelling & Software 23 (10-11), 1250-1261, 2008
A hybrid supervisory system to support WWTP operation: implementation and validation
IR Rodriguez-Roda, M Sànchez-Marrè, J Comas, J Baeza, J Colprim, ...
Water science and technology 45 (4-5), 289-297, 2002
A comparative study on the use of similarity measures in case-based reasoning to improve the classification of environmental system situations
H Núnez, M Sanchez-Marre, U Cortés, J Comas, M Martínez, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 19 (9), 809-819, 2004
Towards a model of input–output behaviour of wastewater treatment plants using soft computing techniques
LA Belanche, JJ Valdés, J Comas, IR Roda, M Poch
Environmental Modelling & Software 14 (5), 409-419, 1999
Including the environmental criteria when selecting a wastewater treatment plant
M Garrido-Baserba, A Hospido, R Reif, M Molinos-Senante, J Comas, ...
Environmental modelling & software 56, 74-82, 2014
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