Jeffrey Craig
Jeffrey Craig
Afiliere necunoscută
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe deakin.edu.au
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Diet and depression: exploring the biological mechanisms of action
W Marx, M Lane, M Hockey, H Aslam, M Berk, K Walder, A Borsini, J Firth, ...
Molecular psychiatry 26 (1), 134-150, 2021
Etiology of molar incisor hypomineralization–A systematic review
MJ Silva, KJ Scurrah, JM Craig, DJ Manton, N Kilpatrick
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 44 (4), 342-353, 2016
SmcHD1, containing a structural-maintenance-of-chromosomes hinge domain, has a critical role in X inactivation
ME Blewitt, AV Gendrel, Z Pang, DB Sparrow, N Whitelaw, JM Craig, ...
Nature genetics 40 (5), 663-669, 2008
The distribution of CpG islands in mammalian chromosomes
JM Craig, WA Bickmore
Nature genetics 7 (3), 376-382, 1994
DNA methylation biomarkers: cancer and beyond
T Mikeska, JM Craig
Genes 5 (3), 821-864, 2014
Epigenetics and DOHaD: from basics to birth and beyond
T Bianco-Miotto, JM Craig, YP Gasser, SJ Van Dijk, SE Ozanne
Journal of developmental origins of health and disease 8 (5), 513-519, 2017
DNA methylation analysis of multiple tissues from newborn twins reveals both genetic and intrauterine components to variation in the human neonatal epigenome
M Ollikainen, KR Smith, EJH Joo, HK Ng, R Andronikos, B Novakovic, ...
Human molecular genetics 19 (21), 4176-4188, 2010
Placenta-specific methylation of the vitamin D 24-hydroxylase gene: implications for feedback autoregulation of active vitamin D levels at the fetomaternal interface
B Novakovic, M Sibson, HK Ng, U Manuelpillai, V Rakyan, T Down, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (22), 14838-14848, 2009
Philadelphia positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults: age distribution, BCR breakpoint and prognostic significance.
LM Secker-Walker, JM Craig, JM Hawkins, AV Hoffbrand
Leukemia 5 (3), 196-199, 1991
Neonatal DNA methylation profile in human twins is specified by a complex interplay between intrauterine environmental and genetic factors, subject to tissue-specific influence
L Gordon, JE Joo, JE Powell, M Ollikainen, B Novakovic, X Li, ...
Genome research 22 (8), 1395-1406, 2012
Prospects for epigenetic epidemiology
DL Foley, JM Craig, R Morley, CJ Olsson, T Dwyer, K Smith, R Saffery
American journal of epidemiology 169 (4), 389-400, 2009
The role of epigenetic change in autism spectrum disorders
YJ Loke, AJ Hannan, JM Craig
Frontiers in neurology 6, 107, 2015
Genes and genomes: Chromosome bands–flavours to savour
JM Craig, WA Bickmore
Bioessays 15 (5), 349-354, 1993
An epigenetic clock for gestational age at birth based on blood methylation data
AK Knight, JM Craig, C Theda, M Bækvad-Hansen, J Bybjerg-Grauholm, ...
Genome biology 17, 1-11, 2016
Genetic and environmental effects on body mass index from infancy to the onset of adulthood: an individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts participating in the …
K Silventoinen, A Jelenkovic, R Sund, YM Hur, Y Yokoyama, C Honda, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 104 (2), 371-379, 2016
Quantitation of the cellular content of saliva and buccal swab samples
C Theda, SH Hwang, A Czajko, YJ Loke, P Leong, JM Craig
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-8, 2018
Host genetic control of the oral microbiome in health and disease
A Gomez, JL Espinoza, DM Harkins, P Leong, R Saffery, M Bockmann, ...
Cell host & microbe 22 (3), 269-278. e3, 2017
Longitudinal, genome-scale analysis of DNA methylation in twins from birth to 18 months of age reveals rapid epigenetic change in early life and pair-specific effects of …
D Martino, YJ Loke, L Gordon, M Ollikainen, MN Cruickshank, R Saffery, ...
Genome biology 14, 1-14, 2013
Heterochromatin—many flavours, common themes
JM Craig
Bioessays 27 (1), 17-28, 2005
Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts
A Jelenkovic, R Sund, YM Hur, Y Yokoyama, JB Hjelmborg, S Möller, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 28496, 2016
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