Research and applications of viscoelastic vibration damping materials: A review XQ Zhou, DY Yu, XY Shao, SQ Zhang, S Wang Composite Structures 136, 460-480, 2016 | 345 | 2016 |
An improved gravitational search algorithm for profit-oriented partial disassembly line balancing problem Y Ren, D Yu, C Zhang, G Tian, L Meng, X Zhou International Journal of Production Research 55 (24), 7302-7316, 2017 | 144 | 2017 |
Band gap characteristics of periodically stiffened-thin-plate based on center-finite-difference-method XQ Zhou, DY Yu, X Shao, S Wang, YH Tian Thin-Walled Structures 82, 115-123, 2014 | 58 | 2014 |
Simplified-super-element-method for analyzing free flexural vibration characteristics of periodically stiffened-thin-plate filled with viscoelastic damping material XQ Zhou, DY Yu, X Shao, S Wang, SQ Zhang Thin-Walled Structures 94, 234-252, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Rational designs of mechanical metamaterials: Formulations, architectures, tessellations and prospects J Gao, X Cao, M Xiao, Z Yang, X Zhou, Y Li, L Gao, W Yan, T Rabczuk, ... Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 156, 100755, 2023 | 45 | 2023 |
Dynamics characteristic of steady fluid conveying in the periodical partially viscoelastic composite pipeline XQ Zhou, DY Yu, XY Shao, CY Zhang, S Wang Composites Part B: Engineering 111, 387-408, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Asymptotic analysis on flexural dynamic characteristics for a laminated composite plate with embedded and perforated periodically viscoelastic damping material core XQ Zhou, DY Yu, XY Shao, SQ Zhang, S Wang Composite Structures 154, 616-633, 2016 | 28 | 2016 |
Asymptotic analysis on flexural dynamic characteristics for a sandwich plate with periodically perforated viscoelastic damping material core XQ Zhou, DY Yu, XY Shao, S Wang, YH Tian Composite Structures 119, 487-504, 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
Research on the low frequency band gap properties of periodically composite stiffened thin-plate with fillers XQ Zhou, DY Yu, XY Shao, SQ Zhang, S Wang Thin-walled structures 2016 (108), 41-55, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
Mechanics constitutive models for viscoelastic solid materials: Development and a critical review X Zhou, D Yu, O Barrera Advances in Applied Mechanics 56, 189-321, 2023 | 24 | 2023 |
Dynamic effective equivalent stiffness analysis on the periodical honeycomb reinforced composite laminated structure filled with viscoelastic damping material XQ Zhou, L Wang, DY Yu, CY Zhang Composite Structures 193, 306-320, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Free vibration analysis of carbon-fiber plain woven reinforced composite conical-cylindrical shell under thermal environment with general boundary conditions Q Huang, Y Gao, F Hua, W Fu, Q You, J Gao, X Zhou Composite Structures 322, 117340, 2023 | 23 | 2023 |
Elastic wave propagation energy dissipation characteristics analysis on the viscoelastic damping material structures embedded with acoustic black hole based on semi-analytical … XQ Zhou, DY Yu Applied Mathematical Modelling 70, 221-245, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Wave propagation analysis of sandwich plates with graphite particles filled viscoelastic material core in hygrothermal environments F Hua, W Fu, X Zhou Composite Structures 288, 115380, 2022 | 22 | 2022 |
Acoustic energy absorption and dissipation characteristic of Helmholtz resonator enhanced and broadened by acoustic black hole XQ Zhou, DY Yu Aerospace Science and Technology 81, 237-248, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |
Asymptotic analysis for composite laminated plate with periodically fillers in viscoelastic damping material core XQ Zhou, DY Yu, XY Shao, S Wang, SQ Zhang Composites Part B: Engineering 96, 45-62, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Low-velocity impact response of viscoelastic material filled FG honeycomb reinforced laminate plate in hygrothermal environments XQ Zhou, L Wang Composites Part B: Engineering 165 (2019), 255-271, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
A refined spectral element model for wave propagation in multiscale hybrid epoxy/carbon fiber/graphene platelet composite shells F Hua, W Fu, Q You, Q Huang, F Abad, X Zhou Aerospace Science and Technology 138, 108321, 2023 | 17 | 2023 |
Asymptotic homogenization analysis of the dynamics properties of periodically and orthogonally stiffened composite laminates XQ Zhou, DY Yu, XY Shao, S Wang Composites Part B: Engineering 105, 116-131, 2016 | 17 | 2016 |
Homogenous asymptotic analysis on vibration energy dissipation characteristics of periodical honeycomb reinforced composite laminate filled with viscoelastic damping material X Zhou, D Yu, S Zhang Composite Structures 258, 113307, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |