Hierarchical web caching systems: Modeling, design and experimental results H Che, Y Tung, Z Wang IEEE journal on Selected Areas in Communications 20 (7), 1305-1314, 2002 | 602 | 2002 |
Analysis and design of hierarchical web caching systems H Che, Z Wang, Y Tung Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2001. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2001 | 164 | 2001 |
DRES: Dynamic range encoding scheme for TCAM coprocessors H Che, Z Wang, K Zheng, B Liu IEEE Transactions on Computers 57 (7), 902-915, 2008 | 118 | 2008 |
CoPTUA: Consistent policy table update algorithm for TCAM without locking Z Wang, H Che, M Kumar, SK Das IEEE Transactions on Computers 53 (12), 1602-1614, 2004 | 86 | 2004 |
A scalable asynchronous cache consistency scheme (SACCS) for mobile environments Z Wang, SK Das, H Che, M Kumar IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 15 (11), 983-995, 2004 | 84 | 2004 |
A distributed TCAM coprocessor architecture for integrated longest prefix matching, policy filtering, and content filtering Z Cai, Z Wang, K Zheng, J Cao IEEE Transactions on Computers 62 (3), 417-427, 2011 | 79 | 2011 |
DPPC-RE: TCAM-based distributed parallel packet classification with range encoding K Zheng, H Che, Z Wang, B Liu, X Zhang IEEE Transactions on Computers 55 (8), 947-961, 2006 | 79 | 2006 |
Detection of winter frost heaving of the active layer of Arctic permafrost using SAR differential interferograms Z Wang, S Li IEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS'99 …, 1999 | 63 | 1999 |
A 14-bit 250 MS/s IF sampling pipelined ADC in 180 nm CMOS process X Zheng, Z Wang, F Li, F Zhao, S Yue, C Zhang, Z Wang IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 63 (9), 1381-1392, 2016 | 61 | 2016 |
Energy-efficient data caching and prefetching for mobile devices based on utility H Shen, M Kumar, SK Das, Z Wang Mobile Networks and Applications 10, 475-486, 2005 | 60 | 2005 |
Achieving flexible cache consistency for pervasive internet access Y Huang, J Cao, Z Wang, B Jin, Y Feng Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and …, 2007 | 50 | 2007 |
Pigeon: An effective distributed, hierarchical datacenter job scheduler Z Wang, H Li, Z Li, X Sun, J Rao, H Che, H Jiang Proceedings of the ACM symposium on cloud computing, 246-258, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Cooperative caching with optimal radius in hybrid wireless networks H Shen, SK Das, M Kumar, Z Wang Networking 2004: Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols …, 2004 | 46 | 2004 |
Energy-efficient caching and prefetching with data consistency in mobile distributed systems H Shen, M Kumar, SK Das, Z Wang 18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004 …, 2004 | 45 | 2004 |
TCAM-based distributed parallel packet classification algorithm with range-matching solution K Zheng, H Che, Z Wang, B Liu Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2005 | 43 | 2005 |
Update propagation through replica chain in decentralized and unstructured P2P systems Z Wang, SK Das, M Kumar, H Shen Proceedings. Fourth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2004 …, 2004 | 41 | 2004 |
Algorithms to speedup pattern matching for network intrusion detection systems K Zheng, Z Cai, X Zhang, Z Wang, B Yang Computer Communications 62, 47-58, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
SACCS: scalable asynchronous cache consistency scheme for mobile environments Z Wang, S Das, H Che, M Kumar 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops …, 2003 | 36 | 2003 |
Dynamic cache consistency schemes for wireless cellular networks Z Wang, M Kumar, SK Das, H Shen IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5 (2), 366-376, 2006 | 33 | 2006 |
Robust localization against outliers in wireless sensor networks Q Xiao, K Bu, Z Wang, B Xiao ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 9 (2), 1-26, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |