Fernando Ballejo
Fernando Ballejo
GRINBIC (Grupo de Investigaciones en Biología de la Conservación., INIBIOMA (UNCo - CONICET)
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Roedores cricétidos de la provincia de Mendoza
FJ Fernández, F Ballejo, GJ Moreira, EP Tonni, LJM De Santis
The conflict between scavenging birds and farmers: Field observations do not support people’s perceptions
F Ballejo, PI Plaza, SA Lambertucci
Biological Conservation 248, 108627, 2020
Trophic niche overlap among scavengers in Patagonia supports the condor-vulture competition hypothesis
F Ballejo, SA Lambertucci, A Trejo, LJM De Santis
Bird Conservation International 28 (3), 390-402, 2018
Plastic ingestion and dispersion by vultures may produce plastic islands in natural areas
F Ballejo, P Plaza, KL Speziale, AP Lambertucci, SA Lambertucci
Science of the Total Environment 755, 142421, 2021
Presumed killers? Vultures, stakeholders, misperceptions, and fake news
SA Lambertucci, A Margalida, KL Speziale, A Amar, F Ballejo, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 3 (6), e415, 2021
Dieta estacional del Jote Cabeza Negra (Coragyps atratus) en un área rural y una urbana en el noroeste patagónico
F Ballejo, LJM De Santis
El hornero 28 (1), 07-14, 2013
Framing of visual content shown on popular social media may affect viewers’ attitudes to threatened species
F Ballejo, PI Plaza, SA Lambertucci
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 13512, 2021
Small mammals (Didelphimorphia, Rodentia and Chiroptera) from pampean region, Argentina
FJ Fernández, F Idoeta, C García-Esponda, JD Carrera, GJ Moreira, ...
Check List 8 (1), 130-134, 2012
Novedosos registros de aves exhumadas del sitio arqueológico Laguna El Sosneado (LS-3) para el Holoceno tardío en el sur de Mendoza: aspectos tafonómicos
FJ Fernández, G Moreira, F Ballejo, L De Santis
Intersecciones en antropología 10 (2), 327-342, 2009
A long and troublesome journey: People's perceptions and attitudes along the migratory path of a scavenger bird.
F Ballejo, MG Grilli, SA Lambertucci
Ethnobiology and Conservation 8, 2019
Tafonomía de restos óseos provenientes de egagrópilas de Coragyps atratus (jote de cabeza negra) en el Noroeste de la Patagonia argentina
F Ballejo, FJ Fernández, LJM De Santis
Revista del Museo de antropología 5, 2012
Analysis of hair remains from a hunter-gatherer grave from Patagonia: Taxonomic identification and archaeological implications
L Prates, F Ballejo, A Blasi
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 8, 142-146, 2016
Taphonomy and dispersion of bones scavenged by New World vultures and caracaras in Northwestern Patagonia: implications for the formation of archaeological sites
F Ballejo, FJ Fernández, CI Montalvo, LJM De Santis
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 8, 305-315, 2016
A long and troublesome journey: People’s perceptions and attitudes along the migratory path of a scavenger bird. Ethnobiology and Conservation 8: 13
F Ballejo, MG Grilli, SA Lambertucci
Ecología trófica y tafonomía del jote cabeza negra, Coragyps atratus (Cathartidae) y su comparación con otros cathartidae del noroeste de la Patagonia
F Ballejo
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2016
The first fossil record of a bone assemblage accumulated by New World vultures (Gruta do Presépio, Holocene, southern Brazil)
F Ballejo, P Hadler, JJ Cherem, L Bueno, JS Machado, AB Matarrese, ...
Boreas 51 (3), 684-697, 2022
Presumed killers? Vultures, stakeholders, misperceptions, and fake news. Conservation Science and Practice 3: e415
SA Lambertucci, A Margalida, KL Speziale, A Amar, F Ballejo, ...
Ecología trófica y tafonomía del Jote de cabeza negra
F Ballejo
Coragyps atratus (Cathartidae) y su comparación con otros Cathartidae en el …, 2016
Unravelling negative interactions between humans, mammalian carnivores and raptors in South America
F Ballejo, P Plaza, AS Di Virgilio, M Lucherini, PG Gaspero, ...
Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2022
The productive, ecological, and perception problem of the" unacceptable" livestock losses due to scavenger birds
F Ballejo, PI Plaza, SA Lambertucci
Biological Conservation 250, 108723, 2020
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