Eva M. Cañadas
Eva M. Cañadas
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Hotspots within hotspots: Endemic plant richness, environmental drivers, and implications for conservation
EM Cañadas, G Fenu, J Peñas, J Lorite, E Mattana, G Bacchetta
Biological Conservation 170, 282-291, 2014
Using endemic-plant distribution, geology and geomorphology in biogeography: the case of Sardinia (Mediterranean Basin)
G Fenu, M Fois, EM Cañadas, G Bacchetta
Systematics and Biodiversity 12 (2), 181-193, 2014
Vegetation recovery of gypsum quarries: short‐term sowing response to different soil treatments
M Ballesteros, EM Cañadas, A Foronda, E Fernández‐Ondoño, J Peñas, ...
Applied vegetation science 15 (2), 187-197, 2012
Disentangling the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the distribution of endemic vascular plants in Sardinia
M Fois, G Fenu, EM Cañadas, G Bacchetta
PloS one 12 (8), e0182539, 2017
Rock climbing alters plant species composition, cover, and richness in Mediterranean limestone cliffs
J Lorite, F Serrano, A Lorenzo, EM Canadas, M Ballesteros, J Penas
PLoS One 12 (8), e0182414, 2017
Soil–vegetation relationships in semi-arid Mediterranean old fields (SE Spain): Implications for management
EM Cañadas, MN Jiménez, F Valle, E Fernández-Ondoño, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 74 (11), 1525-1533, 2010
Habitat Fragmentation in Arid Zones: A Case Study of Linaria nigricans Under Land Use Changes (SE Spain)
J Penas, B Benito, J Lorite, M Ballesteros, EM Cañadas, ...
Environmental Management 48, 168-176, 2011
Inter- and intraspecific morphometric variability in Juniperus L. seeds (Cupressaceae)
MS Pinna, O Grillo, E Mattana, EM Cañadas, G Bacchetta
Systematics and Biodiversity 12 (2), 211-223, 2014
Central role of bedding materials for gypsum-quarry restoration: An experimental planting of gypsophile species
M Ballesteros, EM Cañadas, A Foronda, J Peñas, F Valle, J Lorite
Ecological Engineering 70, 470-476, 2014
Effects of different intensities of overstory thinning on tree growth and understory plant-species productivity in a semi-arid Pinus halepensis Mill. afforestation
FB Navarro, MN Jiménez, EM Cañadas, E Gallego, L Terrón, MA Ripoll
Forest systems 19 (3), 410-417, 2010
Inter‐ and intraspecific diversity in Cistus L. (Cistaceae) seeds, analysed with computer vision techniques
M Lo Bianco, O Grillo, E Cañadas, G Venora, G Bacchetta
Plant Biology 19 (2), 183-190, 2017
The European Juniperus habitat in the Sardinian coastal dunes: implication for conservation
MS Pinna, EM Cañadas, G Fenu, G Bacchetta
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 164, 214-220, 2015
Does gypsum influence seed germination?
Turkish Journal of Botany 38 (1), 141-147, 2014
Successful lichen translocation on disturbed gypsum areas: A test with adhesives to promote the recovery of biological soil crusts
M Ballesteros, J Ayerbe, M Casares, EM Cañadas, J Lorite
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 45606, 2017
Stand management to reduce fire risk promotes understorey plant diversity and biomass in a semi‐arid Pinus halepensis plantation
MN Jiménez, EN Spotswood, EM Cañadas, FB Navarro
Applied Vegetation Science 18 (3), 467-480, 2015
Evaluating a vegetation-recovery plan in Mediterranean alpine ski slopes: A chronosequence-based study in Sierra Nevada (SE Spain)
J Lorite, M Molina-Morales, EM Cañadas, M Ballesteros, J Peñas
Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2), 92-97, 2010
Datos botánicos aplicados a la gestión del medio natural andaluz III: Modelos de gestión de la vegetación.
F Valle, JA Algarra, E Arrojo, A Asensi, J Cabello, E Cano, ...
Junta de Andalucía, 2005
Effects of pre-treatments and temperature on seed viability and germination of Juniperus macrocarpa Sm.
MS Pinna, E Mattana, EM Cañadas, G Bacchetta
Comptes Rendus. Biologies 337 (5), 338-344, 2014
Economic evaluation of ecological restoration options in gypsum habitats after mining
J Lorite, M Ballesteros, H García-Robles, EM Cañadas
Journal for Nature Conservation 59, 125935, 2021
Assessing effectiveness of exclusion fences in protecting threatened plants
J Lorite, C Salazar-Mendías, R Pawlak, EM Cañadas
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 16124, 2021
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