Kovlakov Egor
Citat de
Citat de
Experimental neural network enhanced quantum tomography
AM Palmieri, E Kovlakov, F Bianchi, D Yudin, S Straupe, JD Biamonte, ...
npj Quantum Information 6 (1), 20, 2020
Experimental estimation of quantum state properties from classical shadows
GI Struchalin, YA Zagorovskii, EV Kovlakov, SS Straupe, SP Kulik
PRX Quantum 2 (1), 010307, 2021
Quantum state engineering with twisted photons via adaptive shaping of the pump beam
EV Kovlakov, SS Straupe, SP Kulik
Physical Review A 98 (6), 060301, 2018
Spatial bell-state generation without transverse mode subspace postselection
EV Kovlakov, IB Bobrov, SS Straupe, SP Kulik
Physical review letters 118 (3), 030503, 2017
Objective compressive quantum process tomography
YS Teo, GI Struchalin, EV Kovlakov, D Ahn, H Jeong, SS Straupe, ...
Physical Review A 101 (2), 022334, 2020
Idealized Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states from non–phase-matched parametric down-conversion
C Okoth, E Kovlakov, F Bönsel, A Cavanna, S Straupe, SP Kulik, ...
Physical Review A 101 (1), 011801, 2020
Benchmarking quantum tomography completeness and fidelity with machine learning
YS Teo, S Shin, H Jeong, Y Kim, YH Kim, GI Struchalin, EV Kovlakov, ...
New Journal of Physics 23 (10), 103021, 2021
Schmidt-like coherent mode decomposition and spatial intensity correlations of thermal light
IB Bobrov, SS Straupe, EV Kovlakov, SP Kulik
New Journal of Physics 15 (7), 073016, 2013
Adaptive quantum tomography of high-dimensional bipartite systems
GI Struchalin, EV Kovlakov, SS Straupe, SP Kulik
Physical Review A 98 (3), 032330, 2018
Dynamics of a spin qubit in an optical dipole trap
LV Gerasimov, RR Yusupov, IB Bobrov, D Shchepanovich, EV Kovlakov, ...
Physical Review A 103 (6), 062426, 2021
Tomography of spatial mode detectors
IB Bobrov, EV Kovlakov, AA Markov, SS Straupe, SP Kulik
Optics express 23 (2), 649-654, 2015
Direct test of the “quantum vampire’s” shadow absence with use of thermal light
KG Katamadze, EV Kovlakov, GV Avosopiants, SP Kulik
Optics Letters 44 (13), 3286-3289, 2019
Benchmarking quantum tomography completeness and fidelity with machine learning
T Yong-Siah, S Shin, H Jeong, Y Kim, YH Kim, G Struchalin, EV Kovlakov, ...
IOP Publishing, 2021
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