Jie Dou
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Machine learning methods for landslide susceptibility studies: A comparative overview of algorithm performance
A Merghadi, AP Yunus, J Dou, J Whiteley, B ThaiPham, DT Bui, R Avtar, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 207, 103225, 2020
A comparative assessment of flood susceptibility modeling using multi-criteria decision-making analysis and machine learning methods
K Khosravi, H Shahabi, BT Pham, J Adamowski, A Shirzadi, B Pradhan, ...
Journal of Hydrology 573, 311-323, 2019
Assessment of advanced random forest and decision tree algorithms for modeling rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility in the Izu-Oshima Volcanic Island, Japan
J Dou, AP Yunus, DT Bui, A Merghadi, M Sahana, Z Zhu, CW Chen, ...
Science of the total environment 662, 332-346, 2019
Improved landslide assessment using support vector machine with bagging, boosting, and stacking ensemble machine learning framework in a mountainous watershed, Japan
J Dou, AP Yunus, DT Bui, A Merghadi, M Sahana, Z Zhu, CW Chen, ...
Landslides 17, 641-658, 2020
Application of a hybrid artificial neural network-particle swarm optimization (ANN-PSO) model in behavior prediction of channel shear connectors embedded in normal and high …
M Shariati, MS Mafipour, P Mehrabi, A Bahadori, Y Zandi, MNA Salih, ...
Applied sciences 9 (24), 5534, 2019
A comparative study of PSO-ANN, GA-ANN, ICA-ANN, and ABC-ANN in estimating the heating load of buildings’ energy efficiency for smart city planning
LT Le, H Nguyen, J Dou, J Zhou
Applied Sciences 9 (13), 2630, 2019
Evaluating scale effects of topographic variables in landslide susceptibility models using GIS-based machine learning techniques
KT Chang, A Merghadi, AP Yunus, BT Pham, J Dou
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12296, 2019
An integrated artificial neural network model for the landslide susceptibility assessment of Osado Island, Japan
J Dou, H Yamagishi, HR Pourghasemi, AP Yunus, X Song, Y Xu, Z Zhu
Natural Hazards, 1-28, 2015
Shallow landslide susceptibility mapping: A comparison between logistic model tree, logistic regression, naïve bayes tree, artificial neural network, and support vector machine …
VH Nhu, A Shirzadi, H Shahabi, SK Singh, N Al-Ansari, JJ Clague, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (8), 2749, 2020
Different sampling strategies for predicting landslide susceptibilities are deemed less consequential with deep learning
J Dou, AP Yunus, A Merghadi, A Shirzadi, H Nguyen, Y Hussain, R Avtar, ...
Science of the total environment 720, 137320, 2020
Optimization of causative factors for landslide susceptibility evaluation using remote sensing and GIS data in parts of Niigata, Japan
J Dou, D Tien Bui, A P. Yunus, K Jia, X Song, I Revhaug, H Xia, Z Zhu
PloS one 10 (7), e0133262, 2015
Automatic case-based reasoning approach for landslide detection: Integration of object-oriented image analysis and a genetic algorithm
J Dou, KT Chang, S Chen, AP Yunus, JK Liu, H Xia, Z Zhu
Remote Sensing 7 (4), 4318-4342, 2015
A novel hybrid approach of landslide susceptibility modelling using rotation forest ensemble and different base classifiers
BT Pham, I Prakash, J Dou, SK Singh, PT Trinh, HT Tran, TM Le, ...
Geocarto International 35 (12), 1267-1292, 2020
Evaluating GIS-based multiple statistical models and data mining for earthquake and rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility using the LiDAR DEM
J Dou, AP Yunus, D Tien Bui, M Sahana, CW Chen, Z Zhu, W Wang, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (6), 638, 2019
Prediction of slope failure in open-pit mines using a novel hybrid artificial intelligence model based on decision tree and evolution algorithm
XN Bui, H Nguyen, Y Choi, T Nguyen-Thoi, J Zhou, J Dou
Scientific reports 10 (1), 9939, 2020
Handling high predictor dimensionality in slope-unit-based landslide susceptibility models through LASSO-penalized Generalized Linear Model
DC Camilo, L Lombardo, PM Mai, J Dou, R Huser
Environmental Modelling & Software 97, 145-156, 2017
Coupling RBF neural network with ensemble learning techniques for landslide susceptibility mapping
BT Pham, T Nguyen-Thoi, C Qi, T Van Phong, J Dou, LS Ho, H Van Le, ...
Catena 195, 104805, 2020
Estimating the heating load of buildings for smart city planning using a novel artificial intelligence technique PSO-XGBoost
LT Le, H Nguyen, J Zhou, J Dou, H Moayedi
Applied Sciences 9 (13), 2714, 2019
A hybrid ensemble-based deep-learning framework for landslide susceptibility mapping
L Lv, T Chen, J Dou, A Plaza
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 108 …, 2022
Decadal vegetation succession from MODIS reveals the spatio-temporal evolution of post-seismic landsliding after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
AP Yunus, X Fan, X Tang, D Jie, Q Xu, R Huang
Remote Sensing of Environment 236, 111476, 2020
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