Ghita, Kouadri Mostefaoui - غيثة قوادري مصطفاوي
Ghita, Kouadri Mostefaoui - غيثة قوادري مصطفاوي
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Context-aware computing: a guide for the pervasive computing community
GK Mostefaoui, J Pasquier-Rocha, P Brezillon
The IEEE/ACS International Conference onPervasive Services, 2004. ICPS 2004 …, 2004
On the enhancement of bpel engines for self-healing composite web services
S Subramanian, P Thiran, NC Narendra, GK Mostefaoui, Z Maamar
2008 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 33-39, 2008
Electronic commerce: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications
A Becker
IGI global, 2007
A generic framework for context-based distributed authorizations
GK Mostéfaoui, P Brézillon
International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context …, 2003
Context-based security policies: A new modeling approach
P Brezillon, GK Mostéfaoui
IEEE Annual Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops …, 2004
Modeling context-based security policies with contextual graphs
GK Mostéfaoui, P Brézillon
IEEE Annual Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops …, 2004
Engineering self-organising systems: methodologies and applications
SA Brueckner, GDM Serugendo, A Karageorgos, R Nagpal
Springer, 2005
E-business innovation and process management
I Lee
IGI Global, 2006
Towards a contextualisation of service discovery and composition for pervasive environments
SK Mostéfaoui, GK Mostéfaoui
Proc. of the Workshop on Web-services and Agent-based Engineering (WSABE), 2003
Mobile Apps Engineering: Design, Development, Security, and Testing
G Kouadri Mostefaoui, F Tariq
CRC Press, 2018
Security in Pervasive Environments, What's Next?
GK Mostéfaoui
Security and management, 93-98, 2003
On modeling and developing self-healing web services using aspects
GK Mostefaoui, NC Narendra, Z Maamar, P Thiran
2007 2nd International Conference on Communication Systems Software and …, 2007
Toward behavioral web services using policies
Z Maamar, D Benslimane, GK Mostéfaoui, S Subramanian, QH Mahmoud
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2008
Managing Web Service Quality: Measuring Outcomes and Effectiveness: Measuring Outcomes and Effectiveness
KM Khan
IGI Global, 2008
Multi-clouds mobile computing for the secure storage of data
HS Alqahtani, G Kouadri-Mostefaou
2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing …, 2014
A healthcare-driven framework for facilitating the secure sharing of data across organisational boundaries
A Simpson, D Power, D Russell, M Slaymaker, G Kouadri Mostefaoui, ...
Global Healthgrid: e-Science Meets Biomedical Informatics, 3-12, 2008
MaDViWorld: a software framework for massively distributed virtual worlds
P Fuhrer, G Kouadri Mostéfaoui, J Pasquier‐Rocha
Software: Practice and Experience 32 (7), 645-668, 2002
Decoupling security concerns in web services using aspects
GK Mostefaoui, Z Maamar, NC Narendra, S Sattanathan
Third International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations …, 2006
A context-based services discovery and composition framework for wireless environments
SK Mostéfaoui, B Hirsbrunner
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical …, 2003
Security challenges for wearable computing-a case study
J Lindström
4th International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing 2007, 1-8, 2007
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