Olayemi Abdullateef Aliyu
Olayemi Abdullateef Aliyu
Associate Professor of Marketing, Al Akhawayn University, Morocco
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Entrepreneurship education, curriculum and lecturer-competency as antecedents of student entrepreneurial intention
CG Iwu, PA Opute, R Nchu, C Eresia-Eke, RK Tengeh, O Jaiyeoba, ...
The International Journal of Management Education 19 (1), 100295, 2019
Entrepreneurial intentions of business students in Malaysia: the role of self-confidence, educational and relation support
HM Gelaidan, AO Abdullateef
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 24 (1), 54 - 67, 2017
The impact of CRM dimensions on call center performance
AO Abdullateef, SS Mokhtar, RZ Yusoff
International Journal of Computer Science and network security 10 (12), 184-195, 2010
Malaysian SMEs m-commerce adoption: TAM 3, UTAUT 2 and TOE approach
MG Salimon, O Kareem, SSM Mokhtar, OA Aliyu, JA Bamgbade, ...
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 14 (1), 98-126, 2023
E-learning satisfaction and retention: a concurrent perspective of cognitive absorption, perceived social presence and technology acceptance model
MG Salimon, SMM Sanuri, OA Aliyu, S Perumal, MM Yusr
Journal of Systems and Information Technology 23 (1), 2021
Reducing employee turnover intention: A customer relationship management perspective
OA Aliyu, MW Nyadzayo
Journal of Strategic Marketing 26 (3), 241-257, 2018
Effects of customer relationship management strategy on call centre's employee intention to quit: Evidence from Malaysia call centers
AO Abdullateef, SSM Muktar, RZ Yusoff, ISB Ahmad
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 130, 305-315, 2014
The mediating effects of first call resolution on call centers’ performance
AO Abdullateef, SSM Mokhtar, RZ Yusoff
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management 18, 16-30, 2011
Market research methodologies: Multi-method and qualitative approaches: Multi-method and qualitative approaches
A Takhar-Lail
IGI Global, 2014
The Role of Long-Term Orientation and Service Recovery on the Relationships between Trust, Bonding, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: The Case of Nigerian Retail Banks
MM Abubakar, SSM Mokhtar, AO Abdullattef
Asian Social Science 10 (2), 209-220, 2014
Knowledge management and organizational performance of mobile service firms in Nigeria: A proposed framework
BD Sarkindaji, NA Hashim, AO Abdullateef
Information and Knowledge Management 4 (11), 88-95, 2014
Does customer relationship management influence call centre quality performance? An empirical industry analysis
AO Abdullateef, SM Salleh
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 24 (9-10), 1035-1045, 2013
Determinants of employee trust during organisational change in higher institutions
BJF Vosse, OA Aliyu
Journal of Organizational Change Management 31 (5), 1105-1118, 2018
The Moderating Infl uence of Trust on the Relationship between Institutional Image/Reputation, Perceived Value on Student Loyalty in Higher Education Institution
NAB Hashim, AO Abdullateef, BD Sarkindaji
International Review of Management and Marketing 5 (3), 122-128, 2015
Application of social exchange theory on relationship marketing dynamism from higher education service destination loyalty perspective
N Manzuma-Ndaaba, Y Harada, N Nordin, A Abdullateef, A Rahim
Management Science Letters 8 (10), 1077-1096, 2018
Are international students tourists?
AO Abdullateef, AB Biodun
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 13 (3), 298-306, 2014
The Strategic Impact of Technology Based CRM on Call Centersâ   Performance
AO Abdullateef, SSM Mokhtar, RZ Yusoff
The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 16 (1), 1-17, 2011
Do demographic characteristics moderate the acceptance and use of the Moodle learning system among business students?
O Aliyu, CC Arasanmi, S Ekundayo
International Journal of Education and Development using ICT 15 (1), 165-178, 2019
The Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Caller Satisfaction in Customer Contact Centers: Evidence from Malaysia
AO Abdullateef
PhD Thesis University Utara Malaysia, 2011
Does Service Recovery Lead to Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Airline Industry? A Perceived Justice Theory Approach
MR Abbas, AO Abdullateef, SSM Mokhtar
World Applied Sciences Journal 33 (2), 256-262, 2015
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