Rob Strachan
Rob Strachan
Professor of Geology, University of Portsmouth
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe port.ac.uk
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Evolution of the Rheic ocean
RD Nance, G Gutiérrez-Alonso, JD Keppie, U Linnemann, JB Murphy, ...
Gondwana Research 17 (2-3), 194-222, 2010
Transpression and transtension zones
JF Dewey, RE Holdsworth, RA Strachan
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 135 (1), 1-14, 1998
Linking collisional and accretionary orogens during Rodinia assembly and breakup: Implications for models of supercontinent cycles
PA Cawood, RA Strachan, SA Pisarevsky, DP Gladkochub, JB Murphy
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 449, 118-126, 2016
Origin of the Rheic Ocean: Rifting along a Neoproterozoic suture?
JB Murphy, G Gutierrez-Alonso, RD Nance, J Fernandez-Suarez, ...
Geology 34 (5), 325-328, 2006
Sedimentary basin and detrital zircon record along East Laurentia and Baltica during assembly and breakup of Rodinia
PA Cawood, AA Nemchin, R Strachan, T Prave, M Krabbendam
Journal of the Geological Society 164 (2), 257-275, 2007
Granite magma generation, ascent and emplacement in a transpressional orogen
RA D'Lemos, Richard, Brown, Michael, Strachan
Journal of the Geological Society, London 149 (4), 487-490, 1992
Neoproterozoic–early Palaeozoic tectonostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the peri-Gondwanan terranes: Amazonian v. West African connections
RD Nance, JB Murphy, RA Strachan, JD Keppie, G Gutiérrez-Alonso, ...
Sinistral transpression and the Silurian closure of Iapetus
NJ Soper, RA Strachan, RE Holdsworth, RA Gayer, RO Greiling
Journal of the Geological Society 149 (6), 871-880, 1992
Changing Silurian–Devonian relative plate motion in the Caledonides: sinistral transpression to sinistral transtension
JF Dewey, RA Strachan
Journal of the Geological Society 160 (2), 219-229, 2003
A brief history of the Rheic Ocean
RD Nance, G Gutiérrez-Alonso, JD Keppie, U Linnemann, JB Murphy, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 3 (2), 125-135, 2012
Neoproterozoic orogeny along the margin of Rodinia: Valhalla orogen, North Atlantic
PA Cawood, R Strachan, K Cutts, PD Kinny, M Hand, S Pisarevsky
Geology 38 (2), 99-102, 2010
Geological history of Britain and Ireland
NH Woodcock, RA Strachan
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
The northern Highland and Grampian terranes
RA Strachan, M Smith, AL Harris, DJ Fettes
Late Proterozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Avalonian and Cadomian terranes
RD Nance, JB Murphy, RA Strachan, RS D'Lemos, GK Taylor
Precambrian Research 53 (1-2), 41-78, 1991
Proto-Avalonia: a 1.2–1.0 Ga tectonothermal event and constraints for the evolution of Rodinia
JB Murphy, RA Strachan, RD Nance, KD Parker, MB Fowler
Geology 28 (12), 1071-1074, 2000
A reappraisal of the Sibson‐Scholz fault zone model: The nature of the frictional to viscous (“brittle‐ductile”) transition along a long‐lived, crustal‐scale fault, Outer …
J Imber, RE Holdsworth, CA Butler, RA Strachan
Tectonics 20 (5), 601-624, 2001
The structure and rheological evolution of reactivated continental fault zones: a review and case study
RE Holdsworth, M Stewart, J Imber, RA Strachan
Laurentian provenance and an intracratonic tectonic setting for the Moine Supergroup, Scotland, constrained by detrital zircons from the Loch Eil and Glen Urquhart successions
PA Cawood, AA Nemchin, RA Strachan, PD Kinny, S Loewy
Journal of the Geological Society 161 (5), 861-874, 2004
SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology and metamorphic history of the Smallefjord sequence, NE Greenland Caledonides
RA Strachan, AP Nutman, JD Friderichsen
Journal of the Geological Society 152 (5), 779-784, 1995
The laurentian caledonides of Scotland and Ireland
DM Chew, RA Strachan
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