Andy Woods
Andy Woods
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe rhul.ac.uk - Pagina de pornire
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Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science
Open Science Collaboration
Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015
Individual differences in reward drive predict neural responses to images of food
JD Beaver, AD Lawrence, J Van Ditzhuijzen, MH Davis, A Woods, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (19), 5160-5166, 2006
Conducting perception research over the internet: a tutorial review
AT Woods, C Velasco, CA Levitan, X Wan, C Spence
PeerJ 3, e1058, 2015
On tasty colours and colourful tastes? Assessing, explaining, and utilizing crossmodal correspondences between colours and basic tastes
C Spence, X Wan, A Woods, C Velasco, J Deng, J Youssef, O Deroy
Flavour 4, 1-17, 2015
Effect of background noise on food perception
AT Woods, E Poliakoff, DM Lloyd, J Kuenzel, R Hodson, H Gonda, ...
Food Quality and Preference 22 (1), 42-47, 2011
Crossmodal correspondences between taste and shape, and their implications for product packaging: A review
C Velasco, AT Woods, O Petit, AD Cheok, C Spence
Food Quality and Preference 52, 17-26, 2016
Cross-cultural differences in crossmodal correspondences between basic tastes and visual features
X Wan, AT Woods, JJF van den Bosch, KJ McKenzie, C Velasco, ...
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1365, 2014
Hedonic mediation of the crossmodal correspondence between taste and shape
C Velasco, AT Woods, O Deroy, C Spence
Food Quality and Preference 41, 151-158, 2015
‘Show me the goods’: Assessing the effectiveness of transparent packaging vs. product imagery on product evaluation
G Simmonds, AT Woods, C Spence
Food Quality and Preference 63, 18-27, 2018
That sounds sweet: Using cross‐modal correspondences to communicate gustatory attributes
KM Knoeferle, A Woods, F Käppler, C Spence
Psychology & Marketing 32 (1), 107-120, 2015
Visual, haptic and crossmodal recognition of scenes
FN Newell, AT Woods, M Mernagh, HH Bülthoff
Experimental Brain Research 161, 233-242, 2005
Impaired recognition of basic emotions from facial expressions in young people with autism spectrum disorder: Assessing the importance of expression intensity
S Griffiths, C Jarrold, IS Penton-Voak, AT Woods, AL Skinner, MR Munafò
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 49, 2768-2778, 2019
The taste of typeface
C Velasco, AT Woods, S Hyndman, C Spence
i-Perception 6 (4), 2041669515593040, 2015
Expected taste intensity affects response to sweet drinks in primary taste cortex
AT Woods, DM Lloyd, J Kuenzel, E Poliakoff, GB Dijksterhuis, A Thomas
Neuroreport 22 (8), 365-369, 2011
Do VR and AR versions of an immersive cultural experience engender different user experiences?
I Verhulst, A Woods, L Whittaker, J Bennett, P Dalton
Computers in Human Behavior 125, 106951, 2021
Does the shape of a cup influence coffee taste expectations? A cross-cultural, online study
G Van Doorn, A Woods, CA Levitan, X Wan, C Velasco, C Bernal-Torres, ...
Food Quality and Preference 56, 201-211, 2017
“What’s your taste in music?” A comparison of the effectiveness of various soundscapes in evoking specific tastes
Q Wang, AT Woods, C Spence
i-Perception 6 (6), 2041669515622001, 2015
The context of colour–flavour associations in crisps packaging: A cross-cultural study comparing Chinese, Colombian, and British consumers
C Velasco, X Wan, A Salgado-Montejo, A Woods, GA Oñate, B Mu, ...
Food Quality and Preference 38, 49-57, 2014
Rotating plates: Online study demonstrates the importance of orientation in the plating of food
C Michel, AT Woods, M Neuhäuser, A Landgraf, C Spence
Food Quality and Preference 44, 194-202, 2015
On the importance of balance to aesthetic plating
C Velasco, C Michel, AT Woods, C Spence
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 5, 10-16, 2016
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