Measuring soil water content with ground penetrating radar: A review JA Huisman, SS Hubbard, JD Redman, AP Annan Vadose zone journal 2 (4), 476-491, 2003 | 1245 | 2003 |
Thousands of microbial genomes shed light on interconnected biogeochemical processes in an aquifer system K Anantharaman, CT Brown, LA Hug, I Sharon, CJ Castelle, AJ Probst, ... Nature communications 7 (1), 13219, 2016 | 1074 | 2016 |
The emergence of hydrogeophysics for improved understanding of subsurface processes over multiple scales A Binley, SS Hubbard, JA Huisman, A Revil, DA Robinson, K Singha, ... Water resources research 51 (6), 3837-3866, 2015 | 759 | 2015 |
Hydrogeophysics Y Rubin, SS Hubbard Springer Science & Business Media, 2006 | 636 | 2006 |
Soil moisture content estimation using ground-penetrating radar reflection data IA Lunt, SS Hubbard, Y Rubin Journal of hydrology 307 (1-4), 254-269, 2005 | 452 | 2005 |
Relationships between the electrical and hydrogeological properties of rocks and soils DP Lesmes, SP Friedman Water Science and Technology Library 50, 87, 2005 | 346 | 2005 |
Field‐scale estimation of volumetric water content using ground‐penetrating radar ground wave techniques K Grote, S Hubbard, Y Rubin Water resources research 39 (11), 2003 | 305 | 2003 |
Estimation of permeable pathways and water content using tomographic radar data SS Hubbard, JE Peterson Jr, EL Majer, PT Zawislanski, KH Williams, ... The leading EDGE 16 (11), 1623-1630, 1997 | 293 | 1997 |
Estimation of field‐scale soil hydraulic and dielectric parameters through joint inversion of GPR and hydrological data MB Kowalsky, S Finsterle, J Peterson, S Hubbard, Y Rubin, E Majer, ... Water Resources Research 41 (11), 2005 | 284 | 2005 |
Hydrogeological characterization of the South Oyster Bacterial Transport Site using geophysical data SS Hubbard, J Chen, J Peterson, EL Majer, KH Williams, DJ Swift, ... Water Resources Research 37 (10), 2431-2456, 2001 | 235 | 2001 |
Effect of Dissolved CO2 on a Shallow Groundwater System: A Controlled Release Field Experiment RC Trautz, JD Pugh, C Varadharajan, L Zheng, M Bianchi, PS Nico, ... Environmental science & technology 47 (1), 298-305, 2013 | 227 | 2013 |
Estimating the hydraulic conductivity at the South Oyster Site from geophysical tomographic data using Bayesian techniques based on the normal linear regression model J Chen, S Hubbard, Y Rubin Water Resources Research 37 (6), 1603-1613, 2001 | 216 | 2001 |
Hydrogeological parameter estimation using geophysical data: a review of selected techniques SS Hubbard, Y Rubin Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 45 (1-2), 3-34, 2000 | 193 | 2000 |
Geophysical imaging of stimulated microbial biomineralization KH Williams, D Ntarlagiannis, LD Slater, A Dohnalkova, SS Hubbard, ... Environmental science & technology 39 (19), 7592-7600, 2005 | 186 | 2005 |
Effects of physical and geochemical heterogeneities on mineral transformation and biomass accumulation during biostimulation experiments at Rifle, Colorado L Li, CI Steefel, MB Kowalsky, A Englert, SS Hubbard Journal of contaminant hydrology 112 (1-4), 45-63, 2010 | 174 | 2010 |
Geophysical monitoring of coupled microbial and geochemical processes during stimulated subsurface bioremediation KH Williams, A Kemna, MJ Wilkins, J Druhan, E Arntzen, AL N’Guessan, ... Environmental science & technology 43 (17), 6717-6723, 2009 | 169 | 2009 |
Quantifying and relating land-surface and subsurface variability in permafrost environments using LiDAR and surface geophysical datasets SS Hubbard, C Gangodagamage, B Dafflon, H Wainwright, J Peterson, ... Hydrogeology Journal 21 (1), 149, 2013 | 168 | 2013 |
The East River, Colorado, Watershed: A mountainous community testbed for improving predictive understanding of multiscale hydrological–biogeochemical dynamics SS Hubbard, KH Williams, D Agarwal, J Banfield, H Beller, N Bouskill, ... Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-25, 2018 | 166 | 2018 |
Ground‐penetrating‐radar‐assisted saturation and permeability estimation in bimodal systems SS Hubbard, Y Rubin, E Majer Water Resources Research 33 (5), 971-990, 1997 | 158 | 1997 |
Understanding biogeobatteries: Where geophysics meets microbiology A Revil, CA Mendonça, EA Atekwana, B Kulessa, SS Hubbard, KJ Bohlen Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G1), 2010 | 154 | 2010 |