Steffen Goerke
Steffen Goerke
Dr. rer. nat. German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
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Inverse Z‐spectrum analysis for spillover‐, MT‐, and T1‐corrected steady‐state pulsed CEST‐MRI – application to pH‐weighted MRI of acute stroke
M Zaiss, J Xu, S Goerke, IS Khan, RJ Singer, JC Gore, DF Gochberg, ...
NMR in biomedicine 27 (3), 240-252, 2014
Assessing the predictability of IDH mutation and MGMT methylation status in glioma patients using relaxation-compensated multipool CEST MRI at 7.0 T
D Paech, J Windschuh, J Oberhollenzer, C Dreher, F Sahm, JE Meissner, ...
Neuro-oncology 20 (12), 1661-1671, 2018
Review and consensus recommendations on clinical APT‐weighted imaging approaches at 3T: application to brain tumors
J Zhou, M Zaiss, L Knutsson, PZ Sun, SS Ahn, S Aime, P Bachert, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 88 (2), 546-574, 2022
Downfield‐NOE‐suppressed amide‐CEST‐MRI at 7 Tesla provides a unique contrast in human glioblastoma
M Zaiss, J Windschuh, S Goerke, D Paech, JE Meissner, S Burth, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 77 (1), 196-208, 2017
Characterization of creatine guanidinium proton exchange by water‐exchange (WEX) spectroscopy for absolute‐pH CEST imaging in vitro
S Goerke, M Zaiss, P Bachert
NMR in Biomedicine 27 (5), 507-518, 2014
MR imaging of protein folding in vitro employing Nuclear‐Overhauser‐mediated saturation transfer
M Zaiss, P Kunz, S Goerke, A Radbruch, P Bachert
NMR in biomedicine 26 (12), 1815-1822, 2013
Relaxation-compensated amide proton transfer (APT) MRI signal intensity is associated with survival and progression in high-grade glioma patients
D Paech, C Dreher, S Regnery, JE Meissner, S Goerke, J Windschuh, ...
European radiology 29, 4957-4967, 2019
Early response assessment of glioma patients to definitive chemoradiotherapy using chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging at 7 T
JE Meissner, A Korzowski, S Regnery, S Goerke, J Breitling, RO Floca, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 50 (4), 1268-1277, 2019
Chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI serves as predictor of early progression in glioblastoma patients
S Regnery, S Adeberg, C Dreher, J Oberhollenzer, JE Meissner, ...
Oncotarget 9 (47), 28772, 2018
Signature of protein unfolding in chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging
S Goerke, M Zaiss, P Kunz, KD Klika, JD Windschuh, A Mogk, B Bukau, ...
NMR in biomedicine 28 (7), 906-913, 2015
Relaxation‐compensated APT and rNOE CEST‐MRI of human brain tumors at 3 T
S Goerke, Y Soehngen, A Deshmane, M Zaiss, J Breitling, PS Boyd, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 82 (2), 622-632, 2019
Quantitative pulsed CEST‐MRI using Ω‐plots
JE Meissner, S Goerke, E Rerich, KD Klika, A Radbruch, ME Ladd, ...
NMR in Biomedicine 28 (10), 1196-1208, 2015
Adaptive denoising for chemical exchange saturation transfer MR imaging
J Breitling, A Deshmane, S Goerke, A Korzowski, K Herz, ME Ladd, ...
NMR in Biomedicine 32 (11), e4133, 2019
Quantification of hydroxyl exchange of D‐Glucose at physiological conditions for optimization of glucoCEST MRI at 3, 7 and 9.4 Tesla
M Zaiss, A Anemone, S Goerke, DL Longo, K Herz, R Pohmann, S Aime, ...
NMR in Biomedicine 32 (9), e4113, 2019
Aggregation‐induced changes in the chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) signals of proteins
S Goerke, KS Milde, R Bukowiecki, P Kunz, KD Klika, T Wiglenda, A Mogk, ...
NMR in Biomedicine 30 (1), e3665, 2017
Volumetric mapping of intra‐ and extracellular pH in the human brain using 31P MRSI at 7T
A Korzowski, N Weinfurtner, S Mueller, J Breitling, S Goerke, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 84 (4), 1707-1723, 2020
The traveling heads 2.0: multicenter reproducibility of quantitative imaging methods at 7 Tesla
MN Voelker, O Kraff, S Goerke, FB Laun, J Hanspach, KJ Pine, P Ehses, ...
Neuroimage 232, 117910, 2021
A novel normalization for amide proton transfer CEST MRI to correct for fat signal–induced artifacts: application to human breast cancer imaging
F Zimmermann, A Korzowski, J Breitling, JE Meissner, P Schuenke, L Loi, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 83 (3), 920-934, 2020
Relaxation-compensated CEST (chemical exchange saturation transfer) imaging in breast cancer diagnostics at 7T
L Loi, F Zimmermann, S Goerke, A Korzowski, JE Meissner, ...
European Journal of Radiology 129, 109068, 2020
Clinical routine acquisition protocol for 3D relaxation‐compensated APT and rNOE CEST‐MRI of the human brain at 3T
S Goerke, J Breitling, A Korzowski, D Paech, M Zaiss, HP Schlemmer, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 86 (1), 393-404, 2021
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