Randy M. Bruno
Randy M. Bruno
Professor of Neuroscience, University of Oxford
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Simultaneous denoising, deconvolution, and demixing of calcium imaging data
EA Pnevmatikakis, D Soudry, Y Gao, TA Machado, J Merel, D Pfau, ...
Neuron 89 (2), 285-299, 2016
Cortex is driven by weak but synchronously active thalamocortical synapses
RM Bruno, B Sakmann
Science 312 (5780), 1622-1627, 2006
Swept confocally-aligned planar excitation (SCAPE) microscopy for high-speed volumetric imaging of behaving organisms
MB Bouchard, V Voleti, CS Mendes, C Lacefield, WB Grueber, RS Mann, ...
Nature photonics 9 (2), 113-119, 2015
Deep cortical layers are activated directly by thalamus
CM Constantinople, RM Bruno
Science 340 (6140), 1591-1594, 2013
Effects and mechanisms of wakefulness on local cortical networks
CM Constantinople, RM Bruno
Neuron 69 (6), 1061-1068, 2011
Layer‐and cell‐type‐specific suprathreshold stimulus representation in rat primary somatosensory cortex
CPJ De Kock, RM Bruno, H Spors, B Sakmann
The Journal of physiology 581 (1), 139-154, 2007
Feedforward mechanisms of excitatory and inhibitory cortical receptive fields
RM Bruno, DJ Simons
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (24), 10966-10975, 2002
Cell type–specific three-dimensional structure of thalamocortical circuits in a column of rat vibrissal cortex
M Oberlaender, CPJ De Kock, RM Bruno, A Ramirez, HS Meyer, ...
Cerebral cortex 22 (10), 2375-2391, 2012
Spatial organization of neuronal population responses in layer 2/3 of rat barrel cortex
JND Kerr, CPJ De Kock, DS Greenberg, RM Bruno, B Sakmann, ...
Journal of neuroscience 27 (48), 13316-13328, 2007
Dimensions of a projection column and architecture of VPM and POm axons in rat vibrissal cortex
VC Wimmer, RM Bruno, CPJ De Kock, T Kuner, B Sakmann
Cerebral cortex 20 (10), 2265-2276, 2010
Cell type–specific thalamic innervation in a column of rat vibrissal cortex
HS Meyer, VC Wimmer, M Hemberger, RM Bruno, CPJ de Kock, A Frick, ...
Cerebral cortex 20 (10), 2287-2303, 2010
Thalamocortical angular tuning domains within individual barrels of rat somatosensory cortex
RM Bruno, V Khatri, PW Land, DJ Simons
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (29), 9565-9574, 2003
Sensory experience restructures thalamocortical axons during adulthood
M Oberlaender, A Ramirez, RM Bruno
Neuron 74 (4), 648-655, 2012
Synchrony in sensation
RM Bruno
Current opinion in neurobiology 21 (5), 701-708, 2011
Sensation, movement and learning in the absence of barrel cortex
YK Hong, CO Lacefield, CC Rodgers, RM Bruno
Nature 561 (7724), 542-546, 2018
Dopamine and the mechanisms of cognition: Part II. D-amphetamine effects in human subjects performing a selective attention task
D Servan-Schreiber, CS Carter, RM Bruno, JD Cohen
Biological psychiatry 43 (10), 723-729, 1998
In vivo two-photon voltage-sensitive dye imaging reveals top-down control of cortical layers 1 and 2 during wakefulness
B Kuhn, W Denk, RM Bruno
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (21), 7588-7593, 2008
Dopamine and the mechanisms of cognition: Part I. A neural network model predicting dopamine effects on selective attention
D Servan-Schreiber, RM Bruno, CS Carter, JD Cohen
Biological psychiatry 43 (10), 713-722, 1998
High-order thalamic inputs to primary somatosensory cortex are stronger and longer lasting than cortical inputs
W Zhang, RM Bruno
Elife 8, e44158, 2019
Subcolumnar dendritic and axonal organization of spiny stellate and star pyramid neurons within a barrel in rat somatosensory cortex
V Egger, T Nevian, RM Bruno
Cerebral cortex 18 (4), 876-889, 2008
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