Dr. Sarat Chandra Nayak
Dr. Sarat Chandra Nayak
Professor, GITAM University Hyderabad, India. Prev. Yonsei University South Korea,
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe gitam.edu - Pagina de pornire
Citat de
Citat de
Impact of data normalization on stock index forecasting
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial …, 2014
Artificial chemical reaction optimization of neural networks for efficient prediction of stock market indices
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 8 (3), 371-390, 2017
ACFLN: artificial chemical functional link network for prediction of stock market index
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
Evolving Systems 10 (4), 567-592, 2019
Index prediction with neuro-genetic hybrid network: A comparative analysis of performance
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
2012 International conference on computing, communication and applications, 1-6, 2012
Estimating stock closing indices using a GA-weighted condensed polynomial neural network
SC Nayak, BB Misra
Financial Innovation 4 (1), 21, 2018
A chemical-reaction-optimization-based neuro-fuzzy hybrid network for stock closing price prediction
SC Nayak, BB Misra
Financial Innovation 5 (1), 38, 2019
Extreme learning with chemical reaction optimization for stock volatility prediction
SC Nayak, BB Misra
Financial Innovation 6 (1), 16, 2020
Development and Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Hybrid Higher Order Neural Networks for Exchange Rate Prediction
SC Nayak
I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications 9 (8), 71-85, 2017
Efficient financial time series prediction with evolutionary virtual data position exploration
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
Neural Computing and Applications, 2017
An adaptive second order neural network with genetic-algorithm-based training (ASONN-GA) to forecast the closing prices of the stock market
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC) 7 (2), 39-57, 2016
Evaluation of normalization methods on neuro-genetic models for stock index forecasting
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, 602-607, 2012
A fireworks algorithm based Pi-Sigma neural network (FWA-PSNN) for modelling and forecasting chaotic crude oil price time series.
SC Nayak
EAI Endorsed Trans. Energy Web 7 (28), e2, 2020
A comprehensive survey on higher order neural networks and evolutionary optimization learning algorithms in financial time series forecasting
S Behera, SC Nayak, AVSP Kumar
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30 (7), 4401-4448, 2023
Artificial chemical reaction optimization based neural net for virtual data position exploration for efficient financial time series forecasting
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 9 (4), 1731-1744, 2018
COA-HONN: cooperative optimization algorithm based higher order neural networks for stock forecasting
SC Nayak, MD Ansari
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications (Formerly: Recent …, 2021
Improving software reliability prediction accuracy using CRO-based FLANN
AK Behera, SC Nayak, CSK Dash, S Dehuri, M Panda
Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering: Proceedings of the Fifth …, 2019
Intelligent financial forecasting with an improved chemical reaction optimization algorithm based dendritic neuron model
SC Nayak, S Dehuri, SB Cho
IEEE Access 10, 130921-130943, 2022
On developing and performance evaluation of adaptive second order neural network with GA-based training (ASONN-GA) for financial time series prediction
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
Advancements in applied metaheuristic computing, 231-263, 2018
Fluctuation prediction of stock market index by adaptive evolutionary higher order neural networks
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
International Journal of Swarm Intelligence 2 (2-4), 229-253, 2016
A pi-sigma higher order neural network for stock index forecasting
SC Nayak, BB Misra, HS Behera
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining-Volume 2: Proceedings of the …, 2015
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