David J. Lee
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Achievements in forest tree improvement in Australia and New Zealand 2: Development of Corymbia species and hybrids for plantations in eastern Australia
DJ Lee
Australian Forestry 70 (1), 11-16, 2007
Estimates of genetic parameters for growth and wood properties in Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell. to support tree breeding in Vietnam
DH Tran, JT Brawner, R Meder, DJ Lee, S Southerton, HH Thinh, ...
Annals of Forests Science 72 (2), 205-217, 2015
Comparative performance of corymbia hybrids and parental species in subtropical Queensland and implications for breeding and deployment
DJ Lee, JR Huth, JT Brawner, GR Dickinson
Silvae Genetica 58 (5-6), 205-212, 2009
Comparative performance of Corymbia hybrids and parental species in subtropical Queensland and implications for breeding and deployment
D Lee, J Huth, JT Brawner, GR Dickinson
Silvae Genetica 58 (5-6), 205-212, 2009
Eucalypts as a biofuel feedstock
R Shepherd, M. Bartle, J. Lee, D.J. Brawner, J. Bush, D. Turnbull, P ...
Biofuels 2 (6), 639-657, 2011
Screening Corymbia populations for resistance to Puccinia psidii
GS Pegg, JT Brawner, DJ Lee
Plant Pathology 63 (2), 425-436, 2014
Selecting Hardwood Taxa for Wood and Fibre Production in Queensland's Subtropics
DJ Lee, JR Huth, BW Osbourne, D.O., Hogg
Australian Forestry 73 (2), 106-114, 2010
Resin-foraging by colonies of Trigona sapiens and T. hockingsi (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) and consequent seed dispersal of Corymbia torelliana (Myrtaceae)
HM Wallace, DJ Lee
Apidologie 41 (4), 428-435, 2010
Developing African mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) germplasm and its management for a sustainable forest plantation industry in northern Australia: progress and needs
DG Nikles, DI Bevege, GR Dickinson, MW Griffiths, DF Reilly, DJ Lee
Australian Forestry 71 (1), 33-47, 2008
High-throughput prediction of eucalypt lignin syringyl/guaiacyl content using multivariate analysis: a comparison between mid-infrared, near-infrared, and Raman spectroscopies …
JS Lupoi, S Singh, M Davis, DJ Lee, M Shepherd, BA Simmons, RJ Henry
Biotechnol Biofuels 7, 93, 2014
High-throughput prediction of eucalypt lignin syringyl/guaiacyl content using FT-Raman spectroscopy and partial least squares modeling
JS Lupoi, S Singh, M Davis, DJ Lee, M Shepherd, BA Simmons, RJ Henry
Bioenergy Research 8 (3), 953-963, 2014
Are tree breeders properly predicting genetic gain? A case study involving Corymbia species
EV Tambarussi, FB Pereira, PHM da Silva, D Lee, D Bush
Euphytica 214, 1-11, 2018
Standard yet unusual mechanisms of long distance dispersal: seed dispersal of Corymbia torelliana by bees
HM Wallace, MG Howell, DJ Lee
Diversity and Distributions 14 (1), 87-94, 2008
Relationships between early growth and Quambalaria Shoot Blight tolerance in Corymbia citriodora progeny trials established in Queensland, Australia
JT Brawner, CM Hardner, DJ Lee, MJ Dieters
Tree Genetics & Genomes 7 (4), 795-772, 2011
Construction of microsatellite genetic linkage maps for Corymbia
M Shepherd, S Kasem, D Lee, R Henry
Silvae Genetica 55, 228-238, 2006
Evidence for different QTL underlying the immune and hypersensitive responses of Eucalyptus globulus to the rust pathogen Puccinia psidii
JB Butler, JS Freeman, RE Vaillancourt, BM Potts, M Glen, DJ Lee, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 12 (3), 1-13, 2016
Mapping species differences for adventitious rooting in a Corymbia torelliana × Corymbia citriodora subspecies variegata hybrid
M Shepherd, S Kasem, DJ Lee, R Henry
Tree Genetics & Genomes 4 (4), 715-725, 2008
The risk of pollen-mediated gene flow from exotic Corymbia plantations into native Corymbia populations in Australia
RC Barbour, AC Crawford, M Henson, DJ Lee, BM Potts, M Shepherd
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (1-2), 1-19, 2008
Enhanced client relationship management systems and methods with a recommendation engine
S Lucas, D Lee, A Francis
US Patent App. 11/261,140, 2006
Reciprocal and advanced generation hybrids between Corymbia citriodora and C. torelliana: forestry breeding and the risk of gene flow
GR Dickinson, HM Wallace, DJ Lee
Annals of Forests Science 70 (1), 1-10, 2013
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