Groundwater level prediction in Apulia region (Southern Italy) using NARX neural network F Di Nunno, F Granata Environmental Research 190, 110062, 2020 | 140 | 2020 |
Groundwater level prediction using machine learning algorithms in a drought-prone area QB Pham, M Kumar, F Di Nunno, A Elbeltagi, F Granata, ARMT Islam, ... Neural Computing and Applications 34 (13), 10751-10773, 2022 | 136 | 2022 |
Forecasting evapotranspiration in different climates using ensembles of recurrent neural networks F Granata, F Di Nunno Agricultural Water Management 255, 107040, 2021 | 134 | 2021 |
Stacked machine learning algorithms and bidirectional long short-term memory networks for multi-step ahead streamflow forecasting: A comparative study F Granata, F Di Nunno, G de Marinis Journal of Hydrology 613, 128431, 2022 | 105 | 2022 |
Artificial Intelligence models for prediction of the tide level in Venice F Granata, F Di Nunno Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 35 (12), 2537-2548, 2021 | 71 | 2021 |
Neuroforecasting of daily streamflows in the UK for short-and medium-term horizons: A novel insight F Granata, F Di Nunno Journal of Hydrology 624, 129888, 2023 | 55 | 2023 |
A stacked machine learning model for multi-step ahead prediction of lake surface water temperature F Di Nunno, S Zhu, M Ptak, M Sojka, F Granata Science of the Total Environment 890, 164323, 2023 | 53 | 2023 |
Potential of a Quorum Quenching Bacteria Isolate Ochrobactrum intermedium D-2 Against Soft Rot Pathogen Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum X Fan, T Ye, Q Li, P Bhatt, L Zhang, S Chen Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 898, 2020 | 52 | 2020 |
Prediction of spring flows using nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX) neural network models F Di Nunno, F Granata, R Gargano, G de Marinis Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193 (6), 350, 2021 | 50 | 2021 |
Future trends of reference evapotranspiration in Sicily based on CORDEX data and Machine Learning algorithms F Di Nunno, F Granata Agricultural Water Management 280, 108232, 2023 | 47 | 2023 |
Forecasting of extreme storm tide events using NARX neural network-based models F Di Nunno, F Granata, R Gargano, G de Marinis Atmosphere 12 (4), 512, 2021 | 47 | 2021 |
Tide prediction in the Venice Lagoon using nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX) neural network F Di Nunno, G de Marinis, R Gargano, F Granata Water 13 (9), 1173, 2021 | 42 | 2021 |
Short-term forecasts of streamflow in the UK based on a novel hybrid artificial intelligence algorithm F Di Nunno, G de Marinis, F Granata Scientific Reports 13 (1), 7036, 2023 | 40 | 2023 |
River flow rate prediction in the Des Moines watershed (Iowa, USA): a machine learning approach A Elbeltagi, F Di Nunno, NL Kushwaha, G De Marinis, F Granata Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 36 (11), 3835-3855, 2022 | 40 | 2022 |
Precipitation forecasting in Northern Bangladesh using a hybrid machine learning model F Di Nunno, F Granata, QB Pham, G de Marinis Sustainability 14 (5), 2663, 2022 | 34 | 2022 |
A nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX) model to predict nitrate concentration in rivers F Di Nunno, M Race, F Granata Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29 (27), 40623-40642, 2022 | 31 | 2022 |
Equivalent discharge coefficient of side weirs in circular channel—A lazy machine learning approach F Granata, F Di Nunno, R Gargano, G de Marinis Water 11 (11), 2406, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Spatio-temporal analysis of drought in Southern Italy: a combined clustering-forecasting approach based on SPEI index and artificial intelligence algorithms F Di Nunno, F Granata Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 37 (6), 2349-2375, 2023 | 26 | 2023 |
A stacked machine learning algorithm for multi-step ahead prediction of soil moisture F Granata, F Di Nunno, M Najafzadeh, I Demir Hydrology 10 (1), 1, 2022 | 23 | 2022 |
Microplastics in combined sewer overflows: an experimental study F Di Nunno, F Granata, F Parrino, R Gargano, G de Marinis Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (12), 1415, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |