Timothy J Hoellein
Timothy J Hoellein
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Microplastic is an Abundant and Distinct Microbial Habitat in an Urban River
A McCormick, TJ Hoellein, SA Mason, J Schluep, JJ Kelly
Enivronmental Science and Technology 48 (20), 11863–11871, 2014
Microplastic in surface waters of urban rivers: concentration, sources, and associated bacterial assemblages
AR McCormick, TJ Hoellein, MG London, J Hittie, JW Scott, JJ Kelly
Ecosphere 7 (11), e01556, 2016
Microplastic contamination in karst groundwater systems
SV Panno, WR Kelly, J Scott, W Zheng, RE McNeish, N Holm, TJ Hoellein, ...
Groundwater 57 (2), 189-196, 2019
The global odyssey of plastic pollution
CM Rochman, T Hoellein
Science 368 (6496), 1184-1185, 2020
Microplastic in riverine fish is connected to species traits
R McNeish, L Kim, H Barrett, SA Mason, JJ Kelly, TJ Hoellein
Scientific Reports 8, 11639, 2018
Anthropogenic litter in urban freshwater ecosystems: Distribution and microbial interactions
TJ Hoellein, M Rojas, A Pink, J Gasior, JJ Kelly
PLoS One 9 (6), e98485, 2014
Bivalve impacts in freshwater and marine ecosystems
CC Vaughn, TJ Hoellein
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics 49 (1), 183-208, 2018
A watershed-scale, citizen science approach to quantifying microplastic concentration in a mixed land-use river
APW Barrows, KS Christiansen, ET Bode, TJ Hoellein
Water Research 147, 382-392, 2018
Microplastic deposition velocity in streams follows patterns for naturally occurring allochthonous particles
TJ Hoellein, AJ Shogren, JL Tank, P Risteca, JJ Kelly
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3740, 2019
Revisiting Odum (1956): A synthesis of aquatic ecosystem metabolism
TJ Hoellein, DA Bruesewitz, DC Richardson
Limnology and Oceanography 58 (6), 2089-2100, 2013
Microplastic-associated biofilms: a comparison of freshwater and marine environments
JP Harrison, TJ Hoellein, M Sapp, AS Tagg, Y Ju-Nam, JJ Ojeda
Freshwater microplastics: emerging environmental contaminants?, 181-201, 2018
Longitudinal patterns of microplastic concentration and bacterial assemblages in surface and benthic habitats of an urban river
TJ Hoellein, AR McCormick, J Hittie, MG London, JW Scott, JJ Kelly
Freshwater Science 36 (3), 491-507, 2017
Microplastic accumulation in riverbed sediment via hyporheic exchange from headwaters to mainstems
JD Drummond, U Schneidewind, A Li, TJ Hoellein, S Krause, AI Packman
Science Advances 8 (2), eabi9305, 2022
Gathering at the top? Environmental controls of microplastic uptake and biomagnification in freshwater food webs
S Krause, V Baranov, HA Nel, JD Drummond, A Kukkola, T Hoellein, ...
Environmental Pollution 268, 115750, 2021
Controls on spatial and temporal variation of nutrient uptake in three Michigan headwater streams
TJ Hoellein, JL Tank, EJ Rosi-Marshall, SA Entrekin, GA Lamberti
Limnology and Oceanography 52 (5), 1964-1977, 2007
Wastewater treatment alters microbial colonization of microplastics
JJ Kelly, MG London, AR McCormick, M Rojas, JW Scott, TJ Hoellein
PloS one 16 (1), e0244443, 2021
The “plastic cycle”: a watershed‐scale model of plastic pools and fluxes
TJ Hoellein, CM Rochman
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19 (3), 176-183, 2021
Sediment, water column, and open‐channel denitrification in rivers measured using membrane‐inlet mass spectrometry
AJ Reisinger, JL Tank, TJ Hoellein, RO Hall Jr
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121 (5), 1258-1274, 2016
Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) filtration, biodeposition, and sediment nitrogen cycling at two oyster reefs with contrasting water quality in Great Bay Estuary (New …
TJ Hoellein, CB Zarnoch, RE Grizzle
Biogeochemistry 122 (1), 113-129, 2015
Does mixing litter of different qualities alter stream microbial diversity and functioning on individual litter species?
JS Kominoski, TJ Hoellein, JJ Kelly, CM Pringle
Oikos 118 (3), 457-463, 2009
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