Birds: blowin’by the wind? F Liechti Journal of Ornithology 147, 202-211, 2006 | 552 | 2006 |
The natural link between Europe and Africa–2.1 billion birds on migration S Hahn, S Bauer, F Liechti Oikos 118 (4), 624-626, 2009 | 321 | 2009 |
Bird migration flight altitudes studied by a network of operational weather radars AM Dokter, F Liechti, H Stark, L Delobbe, P Tabary, I Holleman Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8 (54), 30-43, 2011 | 277 | 2011 |
The relevance of wind for optimal migration theory F Liechti, B Bruderer Journal of Avian Biology, 561-568, 1998 | 230 | 1998 |
Wind and rain govern the intensity of nocturnal bird migration in Central Europe- a log-linear regression analysis B Erni, F Liechti, LG Underhill, B Bruderer Ardea 90 (1), 155-166, 2002 | 217 | 2002 |
Multi‐generational long‐distance migration of insects: studying the painted lady butterfly in the Western Palaearctic C Stefanescu, F Páramo, S Åkesson, M Alarcón, A Ávila, T Brereton, ... Ecography 36 (4), 474-486, 2013 | 210 | 2013 |
Atmospheric conditions create freeways, detours and tailbacks for migrating birds J Shamoun-Baranes, F Liechti, WMG Vansteelant Journal of Comparative Physiology A 203, 509-529, 2017 | 207 | 2017 |
Departure of migrating European robins, Erithacus rubecula, from a stopover site in relation to wind and rain M Schaub, F Liechti, L Jenni Animal behaviour 67 (2), 229-237, 2004 | 206 | 2004 |
Songbird migration across the Sahara: the non-stop hypothesis rejected! H Schmaljohann, F Liechti, B Bruderer Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1610), 735-739, 2007 | 199 | 2007 |
Year-round tracking of small trans-Saharan migrants using light-level geolocators E Bächler, S Hahn, M Schaub, R Arlettaz, L Jenni, JW Fox, V Afanasyev, ... PloS one 5 (3), e9566, 2010 | 192 | 2010 |
The role of wind in passerine autumn migration between Europe and Africa B Erni, F Liechti, B Bruderer Behavioral Ecology 16 (4), 732-740, 2005 | 179 | 2005 |
Flight behaviour of nocturnally migrating birds in coastal areas: crossing or coasting B Bruderer, F Liechti Journal of Avian Biology, 499-507, 1998 | 179 | 1998 |
Nocturnal autumn bird migration at Falsterbo, South Sweden S Zehnder, S Åkesson, F Liechti, B Bruderer Journal of Avian Biology 32 (3), 239-248, 2001 | 169 | 2001 |
Quantification of nocturnal bird migration by moonwatching: Comparison with radar and infrared observations (cuantificación de la migración nocturna de aves observando la luna … F Liechti, B Bruderer, H Paproth Journal of Field Ornithology, 457-468, 1995 | 156 | 1995 |
First evidence of a 200-day non-stop flight in a bird F Liechti, W Witvliet, R Weber, E Bächler Nature communications 4 (1), 2554, 2013 | 153 | 2013 |
Altitude choice by night migrants in a desert area predicted by meteorological factors B Bruderer, LG Underhill, F Liechti Ibis 137 (1), 44-55, 1995 | 153 | 1995 |
The effects of geolocator drag and weight on the flight ranges of small migrants MS Bowlin, P Henningsson, FT Muijres, RHE Vleugels, F Liechti, ... Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1 (4), 398-402, 2010 | 152 | 2010 |
Quantification of bird migration by radar–a detection probability problem H Schmaljohann, F Liechti, E Bächler, T Steuri, B Bruderer Ibis 150 (2), 342-355, 2008 | 150 | 2008 |
Wing‐beat characteristics of birds recorded with tracking radar and cine camera B Bruderer, D Peter, A Boldt, F Liechti Ibis 152 (2), 272-291, 2010 | 145 | 2010 |
Automatic identification of bird targets with radar via patterns produced by wing flapping S Zaugg, G Saporta, E Van Loon, H Schmaljohann, F Liechti Journal of the Royal Society interface 5 (26), 1041-1053, 2008 | 134 | 2008 |