Andrea Secchi
Andrea Secchi
CNR-NANO-S3, Modena, Italy
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe nano.cnr.it
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Ultrafast optical modification of exchange interactions in iron oxides
RV Mikhaylovskiy, E Hendry, A Secchi, JH Mentink, M Eckstein, A Wu, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8190, 2015
Macrospin Dynamics in Antiferromagnets Triggered by Sub-20 femtosecond Injection of Nanomagnons
D Bossini, SD Conte, Y Hashimoto, A Secchi, RV Pisarev, T Rasing, ...
Nature Communications 7, 10645, 2016
Observation and spectroscopy of a two-electron Wigner molecule in an ultraclean carbon nanotube
S Pecker, F Kuemmeth, A Secchi, M Rontani, DC Ralph, PL McEuen, ...
Nature Physics 9, 576-581, 2013
Coulomb versus spin-orbit interaction in few-electron carbon-nanotube quantum dots
A Secchi, M Rontani
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (4), 041404, 2009
Non-equilibrium magnetic interactions in strongly correlated systems
A Secchi, S Brener, AI Lichtenstein, MI Katsnelson
Annals of Physics 333, 221-271, 2013
Wigner molecules in carbon-nanotube quantum dots
A Secchi, M Rontani
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (3), 035417, 2010
Magnetic interactions in strongly correlated systems: Spin and orbital contributions
A Secchi, AI Lichtenstein, MI Katsnelson
Annals of Physics 360, 61-97, 2015
Spectral function of few electrons in quantum wires and carbon nanotubes as a signature of Wigner localization
A Secchi, M Rontani
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (12), 121410, 2012
Intervalley scattering induced by Coulomb interaction and disorder in carbon-nanotube quantum dots
A Secchi, M Rontani
Physical Review B 88, 125403, 2013
Toward Hole-Spin Qubits in -MOSFETs within a Planar CMOS Foundry Technology
L Bellentani, M Bina, S Bonen, A Secchi, A Bertoni, SP Voinigescu, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (5), 054034, 2021
Interacting holes in Si and Ge double quantum dots: From a multiband approach to an effective-spin picture
A Secchi, L Bellentani, A Bertoni, F Troiani
Physical Review B 104 (3), 035302, 2021
Nonequilibrium itinerant-electron magnetism: A time-dependent mean-field theory
A Secchi, AI Lichtenstein, MI Katsnelson
Physical Review B 94, 085153, 2016
Spin and orbital exchange interactions from Dynamical Mean Field Theory
A Secchi, AI Lichtenstein, MI Katsnelson
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 400, 112-116, 2016
Inter-and intraband Coulomb interactions between holes in silicon nanostructures
A Secchi, L Bellentani, A Bertoni, F Troiani
Physical Review B 104 (20), 205409, 2021
Quantum estimation and remote charge sensing with a hole-spin qubit in silicon
G Forghieri, A Secchi, A Bertoni, P Bordone, F Troiani
Physical Review Research 5 (4), 043159, 2023
Theory of multidimensional quantum capacitance and its application to spin and charge discrimination in quantum dot arrays
A Secchi, F Troiani
Physical Review B 107 (15), 155411, 2023
Phonon-mediated superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems: A Luttinger–Ward functional approach
A Secchi, M Polini, MI Katsnelson
Annals of Physics 417, 168100, 2020
Adiabatic perturbation theory of nonequilibrium light-controlled superconductivity
A Secchi, M Polini
Physical Review B 98 (14), 144513, 2018
Multi-dimensional quantum capacitance of the two-site Hubbard model: The role of tunable interdot tunneling
A Secchi, F Troiani
Entropy 25 (1), 82, 2022
Discrete-time construction of nonequilibrium path integrals on the Kostantinov–Perel’time contour
A Secchi, M Polini
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (25), 255301, 2019
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