Cristian Bonato
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Citat de
Experimental verification of the feasibility of a quantum channel between space and Earth
P Villoresi, T Jennewein, F Tamburini, M Aspelmeyer, C Bonato, R Ursin, ...
New Journal of Physics 10 (3), 033038, 2008
CNOT and Bell-state analysis in the weak-coupling cavity QED regime
C Bonato, F Haupt, SSR Oemrawsingh, J Gudat, D Ding, MP van Exter, ...
Physical review letters 104 (16), 160503, 2010
Feasibility of satellite quantum key distribution
PV C. Bonato, A. Tomaello, VD Deppo, G. Naletto
New J. Phys. 11, 045017, 2009
High-fidelity spin and optical control of single silicon-vacancy centres in silicon carbide
R Nagy, M Niethammer, M Widmann, YC Chen, P Udvarhelyi, C Bonato, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1954, 2019
Optimized quantum sensing with a single electron spin using real-time adaptive measurements
C Bonato, MS Blok, HT Dinani, DW Berry, ML Markham, DJ Twitchen, ...
Nature nanotechnology 11 (3), 247-252, 2016
Quantum photonics with layered 2D materials
M Turunen, M Brotons-Gisbert, Y Dai, Y Wang, E Scerri, C Bonato, ...
Nature Reviews Physics 4 (4), 219-236, 2022
Quantum frequency conversion of single photons from a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond to telecommunication wavelengths
A Dréau, A Tchebotareva, AE Mahdaoui, C Bonato, R Hanson
Physical review applied 9 (6), 064031, 2018
Manipulating a qubit through the backaction of sequential partial measurements and real-time feedback
MS Blok, C Bonato, ML Markham, DJ Twitchen, VV Dobrovitski, R Hanson
Nature Physics 10 (3), 189-193, 2014
Quantum properties of dichroic silicon vacancies in silicon carbide
R Nagy, M Widmann, M Niethammer, DBR Dasari, I Gerhardt, ÖO Soykal, ...
Physical Review Applied 9 (3), 034022, 2018
Learning quantum systems
V Gebhart, R Santagati, AA Gentile, EM Gauger, D Craig, N Ares, ...
Nature Reviews Physics 5 (3), 141-156, 2023
Spin–layer locking of interlayer excitons trapped in moiré potentials
M Brotons-Gisbert, H Baek, A Molina-Sánchez, A Campbell, E Scerri, ...
Nature Materials 19, 630-636, 2020
Electrical charge state manipulation of single silicon vacancies in a silicon carbide quantum optoelectronic device
M Widmann, M Niethammer, DY Fedyanin, IA Khramtsov, T Rendler, ...
Nano letters 19 (10), 7173-7180, 2019
Silicon carbide photonics bridging quantum technology
S Castelletto, A Peruzzo, C Bonato, BC Johnson, M Radulaski, H Ou, ...
ACS Photonics 9 (5), 1434-1457, 2022
Influence of satellite motion on polarization qubits in a Space-Earth quantum communication link
C Bonato, M Aspelmeyer, T Jennewein, C Pernechele, P Villoresi, ...
Optics express 14 (21), 10050-10059, 2006
Link budget and background noise for satellite quantum key distribution
A Tomaello, C Bonato, V Da Deppo, G Naletto, P Villoresi
Advances in Space Research 47 (5), 802-810, 2011
Design and low-temperature characterization of a tunable microcavity for diamond-based quantum networks
S Bogdanović, SB Van Dam, C Bonato, LC Coenen, AMJ Zwerver, ...
Applied Physics Letters 110 (17), 2017
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC)
TC Ralph, AP Lund
AIP, 2009
Resonance fluorescence from waveguide-coupled, strain-localized, two-dimensional quantum emitters
C Errando-Herranz, E Schöll, R Picard, M Laini, S Gyger, AW Elshaari, ...
ACS photonics 8 (4), 1069-1076, 2021
Bayesian estimation for quantum sensing in the absence of single-shot detection
HT Dinani, DW Berry, R Gonzalez, JR Maze, C Bonato
Physical Review B 99 (12), 125413, 2019
Even-order aberration cancellation in quantum interferometry
C Bonato, AV Sergienko, BEA Saleh, S Bonora, P Villoresi
Physical review letters 101 (23), 233603, 2008
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