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tyas mutiara basuki
National Research and Innovation Agency
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Allometric equations for estimating the above-ground biomass in tropical lowland Dipterocarp forests
TM Basuki, PE Van Laake, AK Skidmore, YA Hussin
Forest ecology and management 257 (8), 1684-1694, 2009
Estimating tropical forest biomass more accurately by integrating ALOS PALSAR and Landsat-7 ETM+ data
TM Basuki, AK Skidmore, YA Hussin, I Van Duren
International journal of remote sensing 34 (13), 4871-4888, 2013
A review on sustainability of watershed management in Indonesia
BH Narendra, CA Siregar, IWS Dharmawan, A Sukmana, Pratiwi, ...
Sustainability 13 (19), 11125, 2021
Improvement of integrated watershed management in Indonesia for mitigation and adaptation to climate change: A review
TM Basuki, HYSH Nugroho, Y Indrajaya, IB Pramono, NP Nugroho, ...
Sustainability 14 (16), 9997, 2022
The potential of spectral mixture analysis to improve the estimation accuracy of tropical forest biomass
TM Basuki, AK Skidmore, PE van Laake, I van Duren, YA Hussin
Geocarto International 27 (4), 329-345, 2012
Toward water, energy, and food security in rural Indonesia: A review
HYSH Nugroho, DR Indrawati, N Wahyuningrum, RN Adi, AB Supangat, ...
Water 14 (10), 1645, 2022
Forty years of soil and water conservation policy, implementation, research and development in Indonesia: a review
HYSH Nugroho, TM Basuki, IB Pramono, E Savitri, Purwanto, ...
Sustainability 14 (5), 2972, 2022
Analisis kekritisan lahan untuk perencanaan rehabilitasi lahan DAS Solo bagian hulu
N Wahyuningrum, TM Basuki
J. Penelit. Pengelolaan Drh. Aliran Sungai 3, 27-44, 2019
Biomass accumulation and carbon sequestration potential in varying tree species, ages and densities in Gunung Bromo Education Forest, Central Java, Indonesia
AA Darmawan, DP Ariyanto, TM Basuki, J Syamsiyah, WS Dewi
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (10), 2022
A chronicle of Indonesia’s forest management: a long step towards environmental sustainability and community welfare
HYSH Nugroho, Y Indrajaya, S Astana, Murniati, S Suharti, TM Basuki, ...
Land 12 (6), 1238, 2023
Allometric equations for estimating the above-ground biomass in tropical lowland Dipterocarp forests. For Ecol Manag 257: 1684–1694
TM Basuki, PE Van Laake, AK Skidmore, YA Hussin
Allometric Equations for the Biomass Estimation of Calophyllum inophyllum L. in Java, Indonesia
TM Basuki, B Leksono, H Baral, S Andini, NS Wahyuni, Y Artati, E Choi, ...
Forests 13 (7), 1057, 2022
Restorasi DAS Ciliwung
IB Pramono, E Savitri, S Donie, TM Basuki, AB Supangat, SA Cahyono, ...
UNS-Press: Surakarta, Indonesia, 121, 2016
Hasil air hutan jati pada dua sub daerah aliran sungai dengan luas berbeda
TM Basuki, RN Adi, E Sulasmiko
Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai 1 (1), 1-14, 2017
Quantifying tropical forest biomass
TM Basuki
Sukresno. 2004. Informasi Teknis Stok Karbon Organik dalam Tegakan Pinusmerkusii, Agathis loranthifolia dan Tanah
TM Basuki, RN Adi
Prosiding Ekspose BP2TPDAS-IBB Surakarta, 0
Hutan Jati: Tempat Tumbuh, Hasil Air, dan Sedimen
TM Basuki, IB Pramono
Leaf area index derived from hemispherical photograph and its correlation with aboveground forest biomass
TM Basuki
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research 2 (1), 31-41, 2015
Baseflow and lowflow of catchments covered by various old teak forest areas
TM Basuki, EB Nugrahanto, IB Pramono, WW Wijaya
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 6 (2), 1609, 2019
Spatial distribution of land susceptibility to degradation and recomendation for its improvement: A case study in the Upper Solo Sub-Watershed
TM Basuki, WW Wijaya, N Wahyuningrum
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 4 (1), 689, 2016
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