Md. Manjurul Hussain Shourov
Md. Manjurul Hussain Shourov
Research Fellow of IWFM, BUET
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pyMannKendall: a python package for non parametric Mann Kendall family of trend tests.
MM Hussain, I Mahmud
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (39), 1556, 2019
Analysis of seasonal and annual rainfall trends in the northern region of Bangladesh
SH Bari, MTU Rahman, MA Hoque, MM Hussain
Atmospheric Research, 2016
Forecasting Monthly Precipitation in Sylhet City Using ARIMA Model
SH Bari, M Rahman, MM Hussain, S Ray
Civil and Environmental Research 7 (1), 69-77, 2015
Rainfall variability and seasonality in northern Bangladesh
SH Bari, MM Hussain, NEA Husna
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 129, 995-1001, 2017
Ground water level prediction using artificial neural network
N Husna, SH Bari, MM Hussain, MT Ur-rahman, M Rahman
International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 6 (4), 371-381, 2016
Temporal and spatial variation of groundwater level in Mymensingh district, Bangladesh
MM Hussain, SH Bari, ME Tarif, MTU Rahman, MA Hoque
International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 6 (2), 188-197, 2016
Application of different artificial neural network for streamflow forecasting
MM Hussain, SH Bari, I Mahmud, MIH Siddiquee
Advances in streamflow forecasting, 149-170, 2021
An integrated risk-based early warning system to increase community resilience against disaster
A Haque, M Akter, MM Hussain, MR Rahman, M Salehin, M Rahman
Progress in Disaster Science 21, 100310, 2024
Pyhomogeneity: A Python package for homogeneity test of time series data
MM Hussain, I Mahmud, SH Bari
Journal of Open Research Software 11 (1), 2023
Evaluating 2021 extreme flash flood of Teesta River
Shampa, IJ Nejhum, MM Hussain, MM Islam, RH Zoha
Hydrology Research 54 (10), 1095-1114, 2023
Assessment of Flood Hazard in Climatic Extreme Considering Fluvio-Morphic Responses of the Contributing River: Indications from the Brahmaputra-Jamuna's Braided-Plain.
B Roy, MM Hussain, AKM Islam, MA Rahman, K Mohammed
GeoHazards 3 (4), 2022
A Cyclone Classifier Model for Real-time Cyclone Warning in Bangladesh
A Haque, MH Shourov, ASMA Al Azad, KS Mita, MW Zaman, S Mazhar, ...
http://gadri.net/summit/program/presentations/, 2019
Assessment of Flood Hazard in Climatic Extreme Considering Fluvio-Morphic Responses of the Contributing River: Indications from the Brahmaputra-Jamuna’s Braided-Plain
Shampa, B Roy, M Hussain, AKM Islam, M Rahman, K Mohammed
GeoHazards 3 (4), 465-491, 2022
The Impact of Small Tributaries Flood in the Braided Plain of Large River
M Hussain, Shampa, J Islam, M Ahmed, M Rahman
Water Management: A View from Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 231-248, 2022
Modelling drought as a climate change indicator in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh
NEA Husna, SH Bari, GMT Islam, AKMS Islam, MM Hussain
International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 18 (4), 351-367, 2024
Development of a Semi-analytical Dynamic Thrust Force Model
M Akter, MA Alim, MM Hussain, KS Mita, A Haque, M Rahman
Morpho-dynamic Responses of Braided Bars in Climate Extreme
S Shampa, B Roy, MA Rahman, MM Hussain
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, EP049-04, 2020
Agriculture and human well-being under the interventions
MH Shourov, MR Islam
Integrated Assessment for the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 : Analysis of …, 2019
Year-Long Monthly Rainfall Forecasting for a Coastal Environment of Bangladesh
I Mahmud, SH Bari, MM Hussian
Journal of Natural Sciences Research 5 (21), 52-57, 2015
Rainfall Trend and Feasibility of Urban Rainwater Harvesting in Sylhet City
SH Bari, MM Hussain, MT Rahman, MA Hoque
Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Development Approaches for WaSH …, 2014
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