Lisa Nishii
Lisa Nishii
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe cornell.edu
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Differences between tight and loose cultures: A 33-nation study
MJ Gelfand, JL Raver, L Nishii, LM Leslie, J Lun, BC Lim, L Duan, ...
science 332 (6033), 1100-1104, 2011
Employee attributions of the “why” of HR practices: Their effects on employee attitudes and behaviors, and customer satisfaction
LH Nishii, DP Lepak, B Schneider
Personnel psychology 61 (3), 503-545, 2008
The benefits of climate for inclusion for gender-diverse groups
LH Nishii
Academy of Management journal 56 (6), 1754-1774, 2013
On the nature and importance of cultural tightness-looseness.
MJ Gelfand, LH Nishii, JL Raver
Journal of applied psychology 91 (6), 1225, 2006
Strategic HRM and organizational behavior: Integrating multiple levels of analysis
PM Wright, LH Nishii
Do inclusive leaders help to reduce turnover in diverse groups? The moderating role of leader–member exchange in the diversity to turnover relationship.
LH Nishii, DM Mayer
Journal of applied psychology 94 (6), 1412, 2009
Individualism and collectivism
MJ Gelfand, DPS Bhawuk, LH Nishii, DJ Bechtold
Culture, leadership, and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62, 437-512, 2004
Variability within organizations: Implications for strategic human resource management
LH Nishii, PM Wright
Accumulative job demands and support for strength use: Fine-tuning the job demands-resources model using conservation of resources theory.
M Van Woerkom, AB Bakker, LH Nishii
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (1), 141, 2016
Negotiating relationally: The dynamics of the relational self in negotiations
MJ Gelfand, VS Major, JL Raver, LH Nishii, K O'Brien
Academy of Management Review 31 (2), 427-451, 2006
The precursors and products of justice climates: Group leader antecedents and employee attitudinal consequences
D Mayer, L Nishii, B Schneider, H Goldstein
Personnel psychology 60 (4), 929-963, 2007
Global diversity management: towards a conceptual framework
LH Nishii, MF Özbilgin
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 18 (11), 1883-1894, 2007
Cultural influences on cognitive representations of conflict: Interpretations of conflict episodes in the United States and Japan.
MJ Gelfand, LH Nishii, KM Holcombe, N Dyer, KI Ohbuchi, M Fukuno
Journal of applied psychology 86 (6), 1059, 2001
Disentangling the fairness & discrimination and synergy perspectives on diversity climate: Moving the field forward
DJG Dwertmann, LH Nishii, D Van Knippenberg
Journal of management 42 (5), 1136-1168, 2016
Once, twice, or three times as harmful? Ethnic harassment, gender harassment, and generalized workplace harassment.
JL Raver, LH Nishii
Journal of applied psychology 95 (2), 236, 2010
Culture and egocentric perceptions of fairness in conflict and negotiation.
MJ Gelfand, M Higgins, LH Nishii, JL Raver, A Dominguez, F Murakami, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 87 (5), 833, 2002
Accommodating employees with and without disabilities
L Schur, L Nishii, M Adya, D Kruse, SM Bruyère, P Blanck
Human Resource Management 53 (4), 593-621, 2014
A multi-level process model for understanding diversity practice effectiveness
LH Nishii, J Khattab, M Shemla, RM Paluch
Academy of Management Annals 12 (1), 37-82, 2018
Discrimination in organizations: An organizational-level systems perspective
MJ Gelfand, JL Raver, LH Nishii, B Schneider
Discrimination at work, 89-116, 2013
Creating inclusive climates in diverse organizations
LH Nishii, RE Rich
Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion, 330-363, 2013
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