César Navarrete
César Navarrete
Profesor de Petrología, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe unpata.edu.ar
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Patagonian broken foreland and related synorogenic rifting: the origin of the Chubut Group Basin
G Gianni, C Navarrete, D Orts, J Tobal, A Folguera, M Giménez
Tectonophysics 649, 81-99, 2015
Triassic to Middle Jurassic geodynamic evolution of southwestern Gondwana: From a large flat-slab to mantle plume suction in a rollback subduction setting
C Navarrete, G Gianni, A Encinas, M Márquez, Y Kamerbeek, M Valle, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 194, 125-159, 2019
A geodynamic model linking Cretaceous orogeny, arc migration, foreland dynamic subsidence and marine ingression in southern South America
GM Gianni, FM Dávila, A Echaurren, L Fennell, J Tobal, C Navarrete, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 185, 437-462, 2018
Tectonic inversion events in the western San Jorge Gulf Basin from seismic, borehole and field data
CR Navarrete, GM Gianni, A Folguera
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 64, 486-497, 2015
Cenomanian-? early Turonian minimum age of the Chubut Group, Argentina: SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology
M Suárez, M Márquez, R De La Cruz, C Navarrete, M Fanning
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 50, 67-74, 2014
Surface and mantle records reveal an ancient slab tear beneath Gondwana
GM Gianni, C Navarrete, S Spagnotto
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 19774, 2019
Episodic Jurassic to lower Cretaceous intraplate compression in Central Patagonia during Gondwana breakup
C Navarrete, G Gianni, A Echaurren, FL Kingler, A Folguera
Journal of Geodynamics 102, 185-201, 2016
Catastrophic slab loss in southwestern Pangea preserved in the mantle and igneous record
GM Gianni, CR Navarrete
Nature communications 13 (1), 698, 2022
Northward propagation of Andean genesis: Insights from Early Cretaceous synorogenic deposits in the Aysén-Río Mayo basin
GM Gianni, C Navarrete, A Echaurren, M Díaz, KL Butler, BK Horton, ...
Gondwana Research 77, 238-259, 2020
The fate of the Farallon slab beneath Patagonia and its links to Cenozoic intraplate magmatism, marine transgressions and topographic uplift
C Navarrete, G Gianni, G Massaferro, K Butler
Earth-Science Reviews 210, 103379, 2020
Drusilasaura deseadensis gen. et sp. nov., un nuevo titanosaurio (Dinosauria-Sauropoda), de la Formación Bajo Barreal, Cretácico Superior del norte de Santa Cruz, Argentina
C Navarrete, G Casal, R Martinez
Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia 14 (1), 1-14, 2011
Cretaceous intraplate contraction in southern Patagonia: a far‐field response to changing subduction dynamics?
GM Gianni, C Navarrete, I Liendo, M Díaz, ME Gimenez, A Encinas, ...
Tectonics 37 (9), 2915-2937, 2018
El centro volcánico Sierra Grande: caracterización petrográfica y geoquímica del magmatismo extensional liásico, noroeste de la Patagonia
MJ Márquez, GI Massaferro, MI Fernández, N Menegatti, CR Navarrete
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 68 (4), 555-570, 2011
An early Jurassic graben caldera of Chon Aike silicic LIP at the southernmost massif of the world: The Deseado caldera, Patagonia, Argentina
C Navarrete, KL Butler, M Hurley, M Márquez
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 101, 102626, 2020
Jurassic intraplate contraction of southern Patagonia: the El Tranquilo anticline area, Deseado Massif
C Navarrete, G Gianni, R Christiansen, Y Kamerbeek, S Periale, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 94, 102224, 2019
Neogene growth of the Patagonian Andes
A Folguera, GM Gianni, A Encinas, O Álvarez, D Orts, A Echaurren, ...
The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes, 475-501, 2018
Inversión tectónica intra-cretácica de la Subcuenca de Río Mayo, Chubut, Argentina
J Homovc, C Navarrete, P Marshall, S Masquere, J Cerdan
XVIII Congreso Geológico Argentino, 1418-1419, 2011
Jurassic volcanism of the Chon Aike Silicic LIP in the northeastern Deseado Massif
C Navarrete, M Hurley, K Butler, I Liendo, V Litvak, A Folguera
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 107, 102886, 2021
Cretaceous Orogeny and Marine Transgression in the Southern Central and Northern Patagonian Andes: Aftermath of a Large-Scale Flat-Subduction Event?
GM Gianni, A Echaurren, L Fennell, CR Navarrete, P Quezada, J Tobal, ...
The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes, 291-328, 2018
The origin of the San Jorge Gulf Basin in the context of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution of Patagonia
A Folguera, LF Paz, S Iannelli, C Navarrete, A Echaurren, G Gianni, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 97, 102422, 2020
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