Luisa Frati
Luisa Frati
TerraData environmetrics - Spin-off Company of the University of Siena
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Problems related to lichen transplants to monitor trace element deposition in repeated surveys: a case study from central Italy
L Frati, G Brunialti, S Loppi
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 52, 221-230, 2005
Biodiversity of epiphytic lichens and heavy metal contents of Flavoparmelia caperata thalli as indicators of temporal variations of air pollution in the town of Montecatini …
S Loppi, L Frati, L Paoli, V Bigagli, C Rossetti, C Bruscoli, A Corsini
Science of the total environment 326 (1-3), 113-122, 2004
Lichen biomonitoring of ammonia emission and nitrogen deposition around a pig stockfarm
L Frati, S Santoni, V Nicolardi, C Gaggi, G Brunialti, A Guttova, S Gaudino, ...
Environmental Pollution 146 (2), 311-316, 2007
Testing Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. as an indicator of lichen conservation importance of Italian forests
J Nascimbene, G Brunialti, S Ravera, L Frati, G Caniglia
Ecological Indicators 10 (2), 353-360, 2010
Lichens and bryophytes as indicators of old‐growth features in Mediterranean forests
G Brunialti, L Frati, M Aleffi, M Marignani, L Rosati, S Burrascano, ...
Plant Biosystems 144 (1), 221-233, 2010
Lichens as biomonitors of uranium and other trace elements in an area of Kosovo heavily shelled with depleted uranium rounds
LA Di Lella, L Frati, S Loppi, G Protano, F Riccobono
Atmospheric Environment 37 (38), 5445-5449, 2003
Effects of NO2 and NH3 from road traffic on epiphytic lichens
L Frati, E Caprasecca, S Santoni, C Gaggi, A Guttova, S Gaudino, A Pati, ...
Environmental Pollution 142 (1), 58-64, 2006
Biomonitoring of nine elements by the lichen Xanthoria parietina in Adriatic Italy: a retrospective study over a 7-year time span
G Brunialti, L Frati
Science of the total environment 387 (1-3), 289-300, 2007
Lichen diversity and lichen transplants as monitors of air pollution in a rural area of central Italy
S Loppi, L Frati
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 114, 361-375, 2006
Integrated biomonitoring of air quality with plants and lichens: A case study on ambient ozone from central Italy
C Nali, E Balducci, L Frati, L Paoli, S Loppi, G Lorenzini
Chemosphere 67 (11), 2169-2176, 2007
New interpretative scales for lichen bioaccumulation data: the Italian proposal
E Cecconi, L Fortuna, R Benesperi, E Bianchi, G Brunialti, T Contardo, ...
Atmosphere 10 (3), 136, 2019
Effects of reduced nitrogen compounds on epiphytic lichen communities in Mediterranean Italy
L Frati, G Brunialti, S Loppi
Science of the total environment 407 (1), 630-637, 2008
Environmental distribution of uranium and other trace elements at selected Kosovo sites
LA Di Lella, L Frati, S Loppi, G Protano, F Riccobono
Chemosphere 56 (9), 861-865, 2004
Influence of tree substrate on the diversity of epiphytic lichens: comparison between Tilia platyphyllos and Quercus ilex (Central Italy)
S Loppi, L Frati
The Bryologist 107 (3), 340-344, 2004
Rapid biodiversity assessment in lichen diversity surveys: implications for quality assurance
P Giordani, G Brunialti, R Benesperi, G Rizzi, L Frati, P Modenesi
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11 (4), 730-735, 2009
Bioaccumulation with lichens: the Italian experience
G Brunialti, L Frati
International Journal of Environmental Studies 71 (1), 15-26, 2014
Plot-scale modelling to detect size, extent, and correlates of changes in tree defoliation in French high forests
M Ferretti, M Nicolas, G Bacaro, G Brunialti, M Calderisi, L Croisé, L Frati, ...
Forest Ecology and management 311, 56-69, 2014
Fragmentation of Mediterranean oak forests affects the diversity of epiphytic lichens
G Brunialti, L Frati, S Loppi
Nova Hedwigia 96 (1-2), 265-278, 2013
Structural variables drive the distribution of the sensitive lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in Mediterranean old-growth forests
B Giorgio, F Luisa, R Sonia
Ecological Indicators 53, 37-42, 2015
Mapping environmental effects of agriculture with epiphytic lichens
S Ruisi, L Zucconi, F Fornasier, L Paoli, L Frati, S Loppi
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 53 (2), 115-124, 2005
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