Roghaiyeh Nourizadeh
Citat de
Citat de
Knowledge, health beliefs and breast cancer screening behaviors of women referring to health centers of Tabriz, 2010
R Nourizadeh, F Bakhtariagdam, L Sahebi
The First International & 4th National Congress on health Education …, 2011
The role of health belief model in promotion of beliefs and behaviors of breast cancer screening in women referring to health care centers of Tabriz in 2010
F Bakhtariagdam, R Nourizadeh, L Sahebi
Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences 33 (6), 25-31, 2012
Iranian women's experiences of dealing with the complexities of an unplanned pregnancy: A qualitative study
E Mohammadi, R Nourizadeh, M Simbar, N Rohana
Midwifery 62, 81-85, 2018
Explaining the role of personal, social and physical environment factors on employed women's physical activity: a structural equation analysis
FB Aghdam, MHB Moghaddam, MA Jafarabadi, H Allahverdipour, ...
Global journal of health science 5 (4), 189, 2013
Comparing the results of pedometer-based data and International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)
MH Baghiani-Moghaddam, F Bakhtari-Aghdam, M Asghari-Jafarabadi, ...
Journal of Health System Research 9 (6), 605-612, 2013
The effect of counseling based on EX-PLISSIT model on sexual dysfunction and quality of sexual life of married women with multiple sclerosis: A randomized controlled clinical trial
R Azari-Barzandig, N Sattarzadeh-Jahdi, R Nourizadeh, J Malakouti, ...
Sexuality and Disability 38, 271-284, 2020
Iranian Azeri women's perceptions of unintended pregnancy: A qualitative study
E Mohammadi, R Nourizadeh, M Simbar
Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research 20 (2), 255-262, 2015
The effect of supportive counseling on mother psychological reactions and mother–infant bonding following traumatic childbirth
S Bahari, R Nourizadeh, K Esmailpour, S Hakimi
Issues in mental health nursing 43 (5), 447-454, 2022
The effect of counseling on breast cancer awareness in rural Iranian women: a randomized controlled clinical trial
P Alizadeh Sabeg, E Mehrabi, R Nourizadeh, H Poursharifi, S Mousavi
Journal of Cancer Education 34, 1083-1091, 2019
The impact of effective communication-based care on the childbirth experience and satisfaction among primiparous women: an experimental study
Z Shamoradifar, M Asghari-Jafarabadi, R Nourizadeh, E Mehrabi, ...
Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association 97 (1), 12, 2022
Supportive Care Needs in Females With Breast Cancer Under Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy and its Predictors
AFK Fatemeh Mirzaei 1 ID , Roghaiyeh Nourizadeh 1 , Shahla Hemmatzadeh 2 ...
International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences 7 (3), 366-371, 2019
The prognostic role of preoperative serum CA125 levels in patients with advanced endometrial carcinoma
M Modarres-Gilani, M Vaezi, M Shariat, N Zamani, R Nourizadeh
Cancer Biomarkers 20 (2), 135-141, 2017
The effect of motivational interviewing on women with overweight and obesity before conception
R Nourizadeh, S Azami, A Farshbaf-Khalili, E Mehrabi
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 52 (9), 859-866, 2020
The effect of a pedometer-based program improvement of physical activity in Tabriz University employees
MH Baghianimoghaddam, F Bakhtari-Aghdam, M Asghari-Jafarabadi, ...
International journal of preventive medicine 7 (1), 50, 2016
The effect of psychological interventions on sexual and marital satisfaction: a systematic review and Meta-analysis
MA Bafrani, R Nourizadeh, S Hakimi, SA Mortazavi, E Mehrabi, N Vahed
Iranian Journal of Public Health 52 (1), 49, 2023
Quality of life and its predictors in Iranian women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy
F Mirzaei, A Farshbaf-Khalili, R Nourizadeh, RE Zamiri
Indian journal of cancer 58 (1), 76-83, 2021
Effectiveness of motivationally tailored interventions on cervical cancer screening: A systematic review and meta-analysis
SM Parvin Pourebrahim-Alamdari, Esmat Mehrabi , Neda Nikkhesal , Roghaiyeh ...
International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences 9 (2), 86-90, 2021
The effect of motivational interviewing on the change of breast cancer screening behaviors among rural Iranian women
P Alizadeh-Sabeg, E Mehrabi, R Nourizadeh, S Hakimi, S Mousavi
Patient Education and Counseling 104 (2), 369-374, 2021
The effect of shared decision-making in choosing the method of labor analgesia on childbirth experience among primiparous women
M Shahveisi, R Nourizadeh, E Mehrabi
PLoS One 18 (2), e0274559, 2023
The Factors Affecting Women's Decision About Unplanned Pregnancy: A Hierarchical Modeling Strategy
N Nikkhesal, N Roghaiyeh, D Saeed, M Esmat
International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences 6 (4), 483-490, 2018
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