Marion Karl
Marion Karl
Senior Lecturer, University of Surrey
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Risk and uncertainty in travel decision-making: Tourist and destination perspective
M Karl
Journal of Travel Research 57 (1), 129-146, 2018
Overcrowding, overtourism and local level disturbance: How much can Munich handle?
P Namberger, S Jackisch, J Schmude, M Karl
Travel and tourism in the age of overtourism, 100-120, 2021
Which travel risks are more salient for destination choice? An examination of the tourist’s decision-making process
M Karl, B Muskat, B Ritchie
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 18 (100487), doi: 10.1016/j …, 2020
Reject or select: Mapping destination choice
M Karl, C Reintinger, J Schmude
Annals of Tourism Research 54, 48-64, 2015
Understanding the role of risk (perception) in destination choice: A literature review and synthesis
M Karl, J Schmude
Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 65 (2), 138-155, 2017
Affective forecasting and travel decision-making: An investigation in times of a pandemic
M Karl, F Kock, BW Ritchie, J Gauss
Annals of Tourism Research 87, 103139, 2021
The impact of travel constraints on travel decision-making: A comparative approach of travel frequencies and intended travel participation
M Karl, A Bauer, WB Ritchie, M Passauer
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 18, 100471, 2020
Micro-level assessment of regional and local disaster impacts in tourist destinations
J Schmude, S Zavareh, KM Schwaiger, M Karl
Tourism in changing natural environments, 98-116, 2020
Tourism destination research from 2000 to 2020: A systematic narrative review in conjunction with bibliographic mapping analysis
GQI Huang, M Karl, IKA Wong, R Law
Tourism management 95, 104686, 2023
Terrorism and tourism in Israel: Analysis of the temporal scale
M Karl, G Winder, A Bauer
Tourism Economics 23 (6), 1343-1352, 2017
Expanding travel constraint negotiation theory: An exploration of cognitive and behavioral constraint negotiation relationships
M Karl, L Sie, BW Ritchie
Journal of Travel Research 61 (4), 762-785, 2022
Investigating tourists’ destination choices: An application of network analysis
M Karl, C Reintinger
European Journal of Tourism Research 15, 112-130, 2017
Tourism and Terrorism: Economic impact of terrorist attacks on the tourism industry. The example of the destination of Paris
J Schmude, M Karl, F Weber
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 64 (2), 88-102, 2020
Impulse buying behaviour in tourism: A new perspective
M Karl, PM Chien, F Ong
Annals of Tourism Research 90 (C), 2021
Semiparametric APC analysis of destination choice patterns: Using generalized additive models to quantify the impact of age, period, and cohort on travel distances
M Weigert, A Bauer, J Gernert, M Karl, A Nalmpatian, H Küchenhoff, ...
Tourism Economics, 1354816620987198, 2021
Why don’t they travel? The role of constraints and motivation for non-participation in tourism
M Popp, J Schmude, M Passauer, M Karl, A Bauer
Leisure Sciences 46 (3), 211-236, 2024
The influence of risk perception on destination choice processes
M Karl
European Journal of Tourism Research 18, 160-163, 2018
How can restaurants entice patrons to order environmentally sustainable dishes? Testing new approaches based on hedonic psychology and affective forecasting theory
D Fechner, M Karl, B Grün, S Dolnicar
Journal of sustainable tourism 32 (10), 2225-2244, 2024
When the future is now: An experimental study on the role of future thinking and affective forecasting in accommodation decision-making
M Karl, F Kock, A Bauer, BW Ritchie, AG Assaf
Journal of Travel Research 62 (5), 969-988, 2023
Mapping destination choice: set theory as a methodological tool.
M Karl, C Reintinger
Tourist behaviour: an international perspective, 74-83, 2016
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