Franck R.A. Delpomdor
Franck R.A. Delpomdor
Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS), Illinois, USA
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Molecular identification of fungi microfossils in a Neoproterozoic dolomitic shale rock
RWLGB S. Bonneville, F. Delpomdor, A. Préat, C. Chevalier, T. Araki, M ...
Science Advances 6 (4), 2020
Paleoproterozoic high δ13C dolomites from the Lastoursville and Franceville basins (SE Gabon): Stratigraphic and synsedimentary subsidence implications
A Préat, P Bouton, D Thiéblemont, JP Prian, SS Ndounze, F Delpomdor
Precambrian Research 189 (1-2), 212-228, 2011
Depositional age, provenance, and tectonic and paleoclimatic settings of the late Mesoproterozoic–middle Neoproterozoic Mbuji-Mayi Supergroup, Democratic Republic of Congo
F Delpomdor, U Linnemann, A Boven, A Gärtner, A Travin, C Blanpied, ...
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 389, 4-34, 2013
Neoproterozoic sequences of the West Congo and Lindi/Ubangi Supergroups in the Congo Craton, Central Africa
J Tait, F Delpomdor, A Préat, L Tack, G Straathof, VK Nkula
Early and late Neoproterozoic C, O and Sr isotope chemostratigraphy in the carbonates of West Congo and Mbuji-Mayi supergroups: a preserved marine signature?
F Delpomdor, A Préat
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 389, 35-47, 2013
Pre- and post-Marinoan carbonate facies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Glacially- or tectonically-influenced deep-water sediments?
F Delpomdor, N Eyles, L Tack, A Preat
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016
Paleoenvironments in Meso–Neoproterozoic carbonates of the Mbuji-Mayi Supergroup (Democratic Republic of Congo)–Microfacies analysis combined with C–O–Sr isotopes, major-trace …
F Delpomdor, C Blanpied, A Virgone, A Préat
Journal of African Earth Sciences 88, 72-100, 2013
A peritidal evaporite environment in the Neoproterozoic of South Gabon (Schisto-Calcaire Subgroup, Nyanga Basin)
A Préat, K Kolo, JP Prian, F Delpomdor
Precambrian research 177 (3-4), 253-265, 2010
The Neoproterozoic West-Congo “Schisto-Calcaire” sedimentary succession from the Bas-Congo region (Democratic Republic of the Congo) in the frame of regional tentative correlations
JP Cailteux, J. L.H., Delpomdor, F.R.A., Ngoie Ndobani
Geologica Belgica 18 (2-4), 126-146, 2015
Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the late precambrian carbonates of the mbuji-mayi supergroup in the sankuru-mbuji-mayi-lomami-lovoy basin (Democratic Republic of the …
F Delpomdor, C Blanpied, A Virgone, A Préat
Geology and Resource Potential of the Congo Basin, 59-76, 2015
Sedimentary evolution and stratigraphy of the ~765–740 Ma Kansuki-Mwashya platform succession in the Tenke-Fungurume Mining District, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
P Mambwe, P., Delpomdor, F., Lavoie, S., Mukonki, P., Batumike, J., Muchez
Geologica Belgica 23 (1-2), 69-85, 2020
Overview of the Neoproterozoic sedimentary series exposed along margins of the Congo Basin
F Delpomdor, A Préat
Geology and resource potential of the Congo basin, 41-58, 2014
Facies and micromorphology of the Neoproterozoic Upper Diamictite Formation in the Democratic Republic of Congo: new evidence of sediment gravity flow
FRA Delpomdor, T Luc, AR Preat
Geologica Belgica, 2017
Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon compositions in the Neoproterozoic of South Gabon (Schisto-Calcaire Subgroup, Nyanga Basin): Are cap carbonates and lithoherms recording a …
A Préat, JP Prian, D Thiéblemont, RM Obame, F Delpomdor
Journal of African Earth Sciences 60 (4), 273-287, 2011
Neoproterozoic uppermost Haut-Shiloango Subgroup (West Congo Supergroup, Democratic Republic of Congo): misinterpreted stromatolites and implications for sea-level fluctuations …
F Delpomdor, F Kant, A Préat
Journal of African Earth Sciences 90, 49-63, 2014
Stromatolites and cyanobacterial mats in peritidal evaporative environments in the Neoproterozoic of Bas-Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo) and South Gabon
AR Préat, F Delpomdor, K Kolo, DC Gillan, JP Prian
STROMATOLITES: Interaction of Microbes with Sediments, 43-63, 2011
Paleoenvironments, δ13C and δ18O signatures in the Neoproterozoic carbonates of the Comba Basin, Republic of Congo: Implications for regional correlations and Marinoan event
A Préat, F Delpomdor, APA Mfere, Y Callec
Journal of African Earth Sciences 137, 69-90, 2018
The C2 and C3 formations of the Schisto-Calcaire Subgroup (West Congo Supergroup) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: An example of post-Marinoan sea-level fluctuations as …
F Delpomdor, L Tack, J Cailteux, A Préat
Journal of African Earth Sciences 110, 14-33, 2015
New interpretation of the basal Bambuí Group, Sete Lagoas High (Minas Gerais, SE Brazil) by sedimentological studies and regional implications for the aftermath of the Marinoan …
Delpomdor, F.R.A., Ilambwetsi, A.M., Caxito, F.A., Pedrosa-Soares, A.C.
Geologica Belgica 23 (1-2), 1-17, 2020
Facies and architecture of the SCIc Formation (Schisto-Calcaire Group), Republic of the Congo, in the Niari-Nyanga and Comba sub-basins of the Neoproterozoic West Congo Basin …
AP A.-P. Ackouala Mfere, F. Delpomdor, J.-N. Proust, F. Boudzoumou, Y. Callec
Journal of African Earth Sciences 166, 103776, 2020
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