Shah Wali Faryad
Shah Wali Faryad
Professor of Petrology, Charles University
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Duration of Eo-Alpine metamorphic events obtained from multicomponent diffusion modeling of garnet: a case study from the Eastern Alps
SW Faryad, S Chakraborty
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 150, 306-318, 2005
New evidence of blueschist facies rocks and their geotectonic implication for Variscan suture (s) in the Bohemian Massif
SW Faryad, V Kachlík
Journal of metamorphic Geology 31 (1), 63-82, 2013
Petrological and KAr and40Ar39Ar age constraints for the tectonothermal evolution of the high-pressure Meliata unit, Western Carpathians (Slovakia)
SW Faryad, F Henjes-Kunst
Tectonophysics 280 (1-2), 141-156, 1997
Very low-grade metamorphism of sedimentary rocks of the Meliata unit, Western Carpathians, Slovakia: implications of phyllosilicate characteristics
P Árkai, SW Faryad, O Vidal, K Balogh
International Journal of Earth Sciences 92, 68-85, 2003
Phase petrology and P‐T conditions of mafic blueschists from the Meliata unit, West Carpathians, Slovakia
SW Faryad
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 13 (6), 701-714, 1995
Geology and Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks of the Western Carpathian Crystalline Complexes; Auth. Ernest Krist, Sergej Petrovič Korikovskij, Marián Putiš, Marián Janák, Shah …
E Krist, SP Korikovskij, M Putiš, M Janák, SW Faryad
Univerzita Komenského, 1992
The generation of voluminous S-type granites in the Moldanubian unit, Bohemian Massif, by rapid isothermal exhumation of the metapelitic middle crust
J Žák, K Verner, F Finger, SW Faryad, M Chlupáčová, F Veselovský
Lithos 121 (1-4), 25-40, 2011
First finding of microdiamond, coesite and other UHP phases in felsic granulites in the Moldanubian Zone: Implications for deep subduction and a revised geodynamic model for …
M Perraki, SW Faryad
Lithos 202, 157-166, 2014
Incipient eclogite facies metamorphism in the Moldanubian granulites revealed by mineral inclusions in garnet
SW Faryad, R Nahodilová, D Dolejš
Lithos 114 (1-2), 54-69, 2010
The Kutná Hora Complex (Moldanubian zone, Bohemian Massif): a composite of crustal and mantle rocks subducted to HP/UHP conditions
SW Faryad
Lithos 109 (3-4), 193-208, 2009
Mechanism of formation of atoll garnet during high-pressure metamorphism
SW Faryad, H Klápová, L Nosál
Mineralogical Magazine 74 (1), 111-126, 2010
Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the Shotur Kuh metamorphic complex (Central Iran)
M Rahmati-Ilkhchi, SW Faryad, FV Holub, J Košler, W Frank
International Journal of Earth Sciences 100, 45-62, 2011
Metamorphic conditions and fluid compositions of scapolite-bearing rocks from the lapis lazuli deposit at Sare Sang, Afghanistan
Journal of Petrology 43 (4), 725-747, 2002
P–T gradient of Eo-Alpine metamorphism within the Austroalpine basement units east of the Tauern Window (Austria)
SW Faryad, G Hoinkes
Mineralogy and Petrology 77, 129-159, 2003
Prograde metamorphic history of UHP granulites from the Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif) revealed by major element and Y+ REE zoning in garnets
R Jedlicka, SW Faryad, C Hauzenberger
Journal of Petrology 56 (10), 2069-2088, 2015
Garnet exsolution in pyroxene from clinopyroxenites in the Moldanubian zone: constraining the early pre‐convergence history of ultramafic rocks in the Variscan orogen
SW Faryad, D Dolejš, M Machek
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 27 (9), 655-671, 2009
High-temperature overprint in (U) HPM rocks exhumed from subduction zones; A product of isothermal decompression or a consequence of slab break-off (slab rollback)?
SW Faryad, SJ Cuthbert
Earth-Science Reviews 202, 103108, 2020
Subduction of lithospheric upper mantle recorded by solid phase inclusions and compositional zoning in garnet: example from the Bohemian Massif
SW Faryad, R Jedlicka, K Ettinger
Gondwana Research 23 (3), 944-955, 2013
Implication of corona formation in a metatroctolite to the granulite facies overprint of HP–UHP rocks in the Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif)
SW Faryad, V Kachlík, J Sláma, G Hoinkes
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 33 (3), 295-310, 2015
Eclogite facies rocks of the Monotonous unit, clue to Variscan suture in the Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif)
SW Faryad, R Jedlicka, S Collett
Lithos 179, 353-363, 2013
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