Kevin Dreßler
Kevin Dreßler
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Radon–rapid discovery of topological relations
M Sherif, K Dreßler, P Smeros, ACN Ngomo
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 31 (1), 2017
On the efficient execution of bounded jaro-winkler distances
K Dreßler, AC Ngonga Ngomo
Semantic Web 8 (2), 185-196, 2016
LIMES: A Framework for Link Discovery on the Semantic Web
AC Ngonga Ngomo, MA Sherif, K Georgala, MM Hassan, K Dreßler, ...
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz, 1-11, 2021
Time-efficient execution of bounded Jaro-Winkler distances.
K Dreßler, ACN Ngomo
OM, 37-48, 2014
Annex: Radon-rapid discovery of topological relations
MA Sherif, K Dreßler, P Smeros, ACN Ngomo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.06128, 2016
LIGON-link discovery with noisy oracles.
MA Sherif, K Dreßler, ACN Ngomo
OM@ ISWC, 48-59, 2020
ADAGIO—Automated Data Augmentation of Knowledge Graphs Using Multi-expression Learning
K Dreßler, MA Sherif, AC Ngonga Ngomo
Proceedings of the 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 43-51, 2022
Operationalisation of research questions of the humanities within the CLARIN Infrastructure–An Ernst Jünger Use Case
D Goldhahn, T Eckart, T Gloning, K Dreßler, G Heyer
Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference, 2015
LimesWebUI-Link Discovery Made Simple.
MA Sherif, P Svetlana, K Dreßler, ACN Ngomo
ISWC (Satellites), 205-208, 2019
Radon results for OAEI 2017.
K Dreßler, MA Sherif, ACN Ngomo
OM@ ISWC, 178-184, 2017
" Extraktion und Integration von semantischen Geodaten": Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben: im Rahmen des Eurostarsprojektes E! 10882 SAGE" Semantische Analyse von Geodaten …
ACN Ngomo, MA Sherif, K Dreßler, A Ahmed, N Jochimsen
Universität Leipzig, 2021
" Linked Data Services for Mobility-Universität Paderborn": Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben: im Rahmen des mFUND Projekts LIMBO, Gesamtprojekttitel:" Linked Data Services for …
ACN Ngomo, D Vollmers, K Dreßler, N Jochimsen
Universität Paderborn, 2020
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