Matthias Speich
Matthias Speich
Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe zhaw.ch
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Application of bivariate mapping for hydrological classification and analysis of temporal change and scale effects in Switzerland
MJR Speich, L Bernhard, AJ Teuling, M Zappa
Journal of Hydrology 523, 804-821, 2015
How robust are future projections of forest landscape dynamics? Insights from a systematic comparison of four forest landscape models
G Petter, P Mairota, K Albrich, P Bebi, J Brůna, H Bugmann, A Haffenden, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 134, 104844, 2020
Contrasting stomatal sensitivity to temperature and soil drought in mature alpine conifers
RL Peters, M Speich, C Pappas, A Kahmen, G von Arx, E Graf Pannatier, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 42 (5), 1674-1689, 2019
Quantifying and modeling water availability in temperate forests: a review of drought and aridity indices
MJR Speich
Iforest 12 (1), 1-16, 2019
Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen des Sommertourismus im UNESCO Biosphärenreservat Val Müstair Parc Naziunal
N Backhaus, C Buser, M Butticaz, D Jorio, M Speich, U Müller-Böker
Schriftenreihe Humangeographie 27, 2013
Sequential Monte-Carlo algorithms for Bayesian model calibration–A review and method comparison✰
M Speich, CF Dormann, F Hartig
Ecological Modelling 455, 109608, 2021
Testing an optimality-based model of rooting zone water storage capacity in temperate forests
MJR Speich, H Lischke, M Zappa
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (7), 4097-4124, 2018
FORests and HYdrology under Climate Change in Switzerland v1. 0: a spatially distributed model combining hydrology and forest dynamics
MJR Speich, M Zappa, M Scherstjanoi, H Lischke
Geoscientific Model Development 13 (2), 537-564, 2020
Sensitivity of forest water balance and physiological drought predictions to soil and vegetation parameters–A model-based study
MJR Speich, M Zappa, H Lischke
Environmental Modelling & Software 102, 213-232, 2018
Governing industry decarbonisation: Policy implications from a firm perspective
S Hafner, M Speich, P Bischofberger, S Ulli-Beer
Journal of Cleaner Production 375, 133884, 2022
Applying an ecosystem lens to low-carbon energy transitions: a conceptual framework
M Speich, S Ulli-Beer
Journal of Cleaner Production 398, 136429, 2023
Quantifying and Modeling Water Availability in Temperate Forests: A Review of Drought and Aridity Indices.” iForest–Biogeosciences and Forestry 12 (1): 1–16
M Speich
doi. org/10.3832/ifor2934-011, 2019
Combining Business Model Innovation and Model-Based Analysis to Tackle the Deep Uncertainty of Societal Transitions—A Case Study on Industrial Electrification and Power Grid …
J Zapata Riveros, M Speich, M West, S Ulli-Beer
Sustainability 13 (13), 7264, 2021
Optimal harvesting decision paths when timber and water have an economic value in uneven forests
P Ovando, M Speich
Forests 11 (9), 903, 2020
FORHYCS v1. 0: a spatially distributed model combining hydrology and forest dynamics
MJR Speich, M Zappa, M Scherstjanoi, H Lischke
EGU Geosci. Model. Dev.-Discuss. doi 10, 2019
FORHYCS-a coupled, spatially distributed eco-hydrological model for assessing climate and land use change impact in Switzerland at landscape scale
M Speich, H Lischke, M Scherstjanoi, M Zappa
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-12988, 2016
CoFoLaMo: Comparing forest landscape model simulations under different climate, interaction-and land use scenarios
H Lischke, M Speich, D Schmatz, G Vacchiano, P Mairota, V Leronni, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-13867, 2016
Die Schweizer Tiefe Geothermie mitten im Wandel
F Sierro, M Speich, S Ulli-Beer
Geothermische Energie 33 (107), 8-11, 2024
Current and future development of thermal grids in Switzerland: an organizational perspective
M Speich, J Chambers, S Ulli-Beer
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 6, 1379554, 2024
Wie können Unternehmen bei der Integration von Nachhaltigkeit unterstützt werden?
M Speich
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, 2024
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